Ministry Of Finance Says 59.5 Million NIK Has Become NPWP

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) noted that there are 59.5 million Population Identification Numbers (NIK) that have been matched into Taxpayer Identification Numbers (NPWP) to date.

This amount consists of 55.7 million NIKs which are matched by the Ministry of Finance's Directorate General of Taxes system and 3.7 million NIKs which are self-paid by taxpayers.

"We are targeting 72.17 million NIK taxpayers to be paired into NPWP," said Director General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance Suryo Utomo quoting Antara, Saturday, December 16.

Therefore, he appealed to all taxpayers to continue matching the NIK into the NPWP because in the future the implementation of the Galimax Administration System (CTAS) will only read the NIK as the NPWP.

CTAS will be implemented in mid-2024. However, the implementation of the system does not mean leaving the old system, namely the Information System of the Directorate General of Taxes (SIDJP).

Later, SIDJP can still be used with conversions, especially on the taxpayer's information base from what was originally based on NPWP to NIK.

"So we don't change the application, but we can still carry out the conversion of the NIK and NPWP that we have prepared so that we can still run the old system," he said.

The Ministry of Finance has postponed the full implementation target of NIK as NPWP to July 1, 2024, from the initial plan on January 1, 2023.

The postponement takes into account the decision to adjust the CTAS implementation time in mid-2024 and after assessing the readiness of all affected stakeholders.

That way, the time resignation provides an opportunity for all stakeholders to prepare an affected application system, as well as testing efforts and the habituation of a new system for taxpayers.

The decision to postpone is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 136 of 2023 concerning Amendments to PMK Number 112 / PMK.03 / 2022 concerning NPWP for Personal People, Body Taxpayers, and Government Agencies Taxpayers.

With this setting, the NPWP with a 15 digit format (old NPWP) can still be used until June 30, 2024. Meanwhile, the new 16 digit (NPWP or NIK) NPWP format can still be used in limited terms of the currently available application system and full implementation of the upcoming application system.