The Ministry Of Tourism And Creative Economy Asks The Indigenous Legal Community To Propose Being A Tourism Village

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) has asked the Indigenous Law Community (MHA) that has received legality from the local government (Pemda) to propose to become a tourist village as a model for community empowerment. "There are a number of MHAs that have received an increase in the capacity of human resources so that they are able to develop into tourist villages, so that other MHAs can propose to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy," said Analis from the Directorate of Human Resources of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Reza Rahmana Kolaka quoting Antara. At the 2023 National Traditional Forum, Reza said proposals for tourist villages must be compiled by the local government through the Tourism Office so that his party will review what needs to be prepared in terms of increasing human resources, developing tourist cottages, tourism packages and promotions.

"The proposal will later be included in the development system for the identification of needs or needs in the development of tourist villages," he said.

However, he reminded that the development of the tourist village requires also support from other ministries, such as infrastructure for transportation access, tourism content offered, and other coaching, including conservation and environmental structuring. Meanwhile, Tantri Lisdiawati from the Directorate of Synchronization of Regional Government Affairs of the Ministry of Home Affairs explained that the MHA empowerment budget already has a nomenclature in the community empowerment program of indigenous institutions and indigenous law communities in the Long Medium-Term Planning. "So there is already a hook in the central development plan so that the regions live to make a budget that refers to central planning," he said. Therefore, he continued, only a local government commitment is needed to empower indigenous law communities which are one of the government's priority programs. "Moreover, entering the fourth national priority, meaning whether they like it or not, like it or not, the regions must implement the program and include it in regional planning," he said. Previously, the Director General of Marine Space Management and Fisheries Viktor Gustav Manoppo invited all ministries and other institutions to jointly strengthen MHA so that they were able to prosper its citizens. He assessed that MHA has a role in supporting environmental conservation through local wisdom so that it needed to get a proper reward in the form of empowerment programs in order to live more prosperous lives.

Present at the forum were representatives from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ministry of Home Affairs, Bappenas, as well as the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Yogyakarta Province as the host.

Also present were speakers from the Senior Manager of Bentang Laut, Head of the Nusantara Nature Conservation Foundation (YKAN) Lukas Rumetna and Chairman of the MHA Indigenous Council, Werur, Bikar District, Tambrau Regency, Southwest Papua Junus Rumansara, and King MHA Rutong, Ambon City, Reza Maspaitella.

MHA Rutong and MHA Werur from Southwest Papua were deliberately invited to the 2023 National Traditional Forum to tell the story of the success of managing indigenous law communities.

The 2023 National Customary Forum is a collaboration of activities initiated by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) together with YKAN which is expected to function as a forum and means of communication, coordination, harmonization, synergy and unitary commitment between ministries/agencies and NGOs in supporting government policies in the management of coastal areas and small islands.

In addition, the forum is an educational, socialization, awareness, and publication event related to the existence of Indonesian indigenous law communities at the national and global levels.