Sri Mulyani Reveals That The State Budget Remains IDR 529 Trillion Towards The End Of 2023

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) noted that the realization of state spending as of December 12, 2023, only reached IDR 2,588.2 trillion or 84.5 percent of the target in Presidential Regulation Number 75 of 2023 amounting to IDR 3,117.2 trillion.

This means that there is still a remaining budget of IDR 529 trillion that has not been spent until the end of the year.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that until the end of 2023 there was still the realization of spending on the K/L project that had been completed and would be paid for.

"I say that in the next two weeks there will be IDR 500 trillions, we will pay bills. So, in the next two weeks, the allocation of our APBN is extraordinary," Sri Mulyani said at the Press Conference of our State Budget, Friday, December 15.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Budget at the Ministry of Finance Isa Rachmatarwata said that one of the expenditures that will be used by the government is for various subsidies and compensation, including fuel oil (BBM) of more than IDR 85 trillion.

"In the second half of December, there was a expenditure of around Rp. 500 trillion more, including for subsidy payments and compensation of more than Rp. 85 trillion. This is part of a large expenditure at the end of the year," he said.

Isa said that spending absorption, which is still at the 80 percent level, is common at the end of the year.

"Because indeed some of the contracts are awaited until the contract is completed and usually the end of the year," he said.

Isa asked PT Pertamina (Persero) and related parties to make their best efforts to control the subsidized diesel quota so that it remains fulfilled. So that the subsidized diesel quota is still based on the existing ceiling of 16.8 million KL.

"This has been discussed in a meeting of 3 ministers (Minister of Finance, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and Minister of SOEs). In conclusion, Pertamina and various responsible parties are asked to continue to make the best efforts to control this quota so that it is still fulfilled," he added.

On the same occasion, the Director General of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance, Astera Primanto, said that his party would boost spending at the rest of the year. One of them is by convincing that these contracts can be disbursed.

"In that sense, they have submitted a payment order (SPM)," he explained.

Astera said that the State Treasury Service Office (KPPN) will always monitor K/L and detect technical obstacles, such as internet problems to system constraints.

In addition, his party will coordinate with his K/L to encourage the unfinished budget to be accelerated in realization. Furthermore, Astera said that his party would instruct all staff to increase working hours in order to accelerate realization.