3 Police Traffic Corps Schemes Face Traffic Jams At Christmas And New Year 2024 Holidays

JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police and related stakeholders will implement three traffic flow diversion schemes during the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays. Starting from normal to very dense schemes."We would like to convey specifically the Korlantas Polri and its ranks along with related stakeholders, related to traffic engineering, we are of course divided into schemes, there are 3, both in normal schemes, dense schemes and very congested," said Head of Operations for Korlantas Polri Kombes Eddy Djunaedi in a press conference for the preparation of Christmas and New Year 2024 which was held by the Merdeka Barat 9 Forum (FMB9) "The Nataru Road Settings and Readiness of Alternative Roads and Tolls", Friday, December 15.It is said that the normal implementation scheme will be more about regulating the flow of vehicle traffic at the trouble point or black spot. This means that no traffic engineering has been implemented.Then, the scheme is dense, the Korlantas Polri team and new stakeholders will implement traffic engineering. Then, limit certain vehicles."For the initial scheme, we will also do how to divert the flow, starting with restrictions on vehicle axis 3 and so on," he said.For the scheme very much, later it will be applied to open and close traffic flow. Both vehicles on toll roads or arterial roads."As for the very dense scheme, we will carry out engineering to open and close, both open and close on the toll road, as well as those leading out of the arteries and including," said Eddy.Previously, it was reported that in securing traffic flow during the 2023 Christmas and New Year holidays, 2024 involved 129,923 joint personnel, both from the National Police, the TNI and relevant stakeholders.In addition to personnel, the National Police also established security posts, service posts and integrated posts on a number of roads throughout Indonesia which are points that will be passed by the community, whether during holidays, worshiping or doing activities back to their hometowns.Meanwhile, the number of security posts established was 1,740 security post locations, 740 service posts and 212 integrated posts.
Then, the objects of security or points where personnel are secured are 43,276, ranging from places of worship, tourist sites, ports, airports, stations, to other vital objects.