Kaleidoscope 2023: 7 New Toll Roads Ready To Welcome Nataru Holiday

JAKARTA - Kaleidoscope 2023 monitors the government's performance in completing the construction of toll road projects to improve connectivity between regions in Indonesia.

Moreover, before the momentum of the Christmas and New Year holidays (Nataru), only counting the days.

It is known, the government predicts that around 107.63 million people will travel during the Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holidays. This number increased by 143 percent compared to the Nataru holiday the previous year.

Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi revealed that the majority of community movements when Nataru was still dominated by private cars. Therefore, road trips via toll roads are one of the favorites of road users.

The peak period of the Christmas homecoming will fall on 22-23 December 2023 and backflow from 26-27 December 2023. Meanwhile, the peak of the New Year holiday homecoming will fall on 29-30 December 2023, while backflow is expected to occur on 1-2 January 2024.

From 1978 to October 2023, the total length of toll roads in Indonesia has been operating for 2,816.7 kilometers, spread across Java, Sumatra Island, Kalimantan Island, Sulawesi Island, and Bali Island.

The toll road operation is managed by 52 Toll Road Business Entities (BUJT) with 73 toll roads and 132 Rest and Service Places (TIP).

From January to October 2023, as many as 13 new toll roads have completed construction and officially operate. The total length of the 13 segments reached 189.11 kilometers.

The following is a list of seven toll roads that are predicted to be the favorites of road users ahead of the VOI version of the Nataru momentum:

1. Padalarang-Cileunyi Toll Road or Padaleunyi Toll Road

This toll road is located in West Java Province. The Padaleunyi toll road with a length of 58.5 kilometers is part of the Purbaleunyi Toll Road which has a total length of 122.9 kilometers

The Padaleunyi Toll Road is a continuation of the Cipularang Toll Road which has a length of 64.4 kilometers.

Ahead of Nataru's momentum, usually many people choose to spend their vacation time going to Bandung and can go through this toll road.

2. Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road

This toll road is located in the West Java Province. The Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road has a total length of 54 kilometers which is divided into 4 Sections, namely Section 1 Ciawi-Cigombong with a length of 15.35 kilometers and has been operating since December 2018.

Then Section 2 Cigombong-Cibadak along 11.90 kilometers which has been completed construction and has started operating in July 2023. Next, Section 3 Cibadak-West Sukabumi along 13.70 kilometers and Section 4 of West Sukabumi-East Sukabumi along 13.05 kilometers.

The presence of the Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road has an important role in shortening the travel time from Jakarta to Sukabumi and reducing congestion on the Bogor-Sukabumi national road.

So, for people who want to vacation in the Sukabumi area and its surroundings, they can go through the Ciawi-Sukabumi toll road.

3. Semarang-Solo Toll Road

The Semarang-Solo toll road has a length of 72.95 kilometers and is divided into five sections. Section 1 Banyumanik-Ungaran (10.85 kilometers), section 2 Ungaran-Bawen (11.99 kilometers), and Section 3 Bawen-Salatiga (17.59 kilometers).

Next, Section 4 Salatiga-Boyolali (24.47 kilometers), and Section V Boyolali-Kartasura (7.74 kilometers).

This toll road has 5 toll gates as an entrance to the Golden Triangle (Semarang, Solo, Jogja) and its surroundings. The five toll gates are the Banyumanik Toll Gate (GT), Ungaran GT, Bawen GT, Salatiga GT, and Boyolali GT.

All of these toll gates use a non-cash closed transaction system that is integrated with the Trans Java Toll Road. This toll road only has 4 intersections, namely the Ungaran Interchange, Bawen, Salatiga, and Bawen.

The momentum of long holidays such as Nataru is usually used by people to vacation in the Central Java area, especially in the Semarang area, Solo, or even Yogyakarta. Therefore, this toll road can be a travel solution when using a private car.

4. Solo-Ngawi Toll Road

The Solo-Ngawi Toll Road is part of the Trans Java Toll Road network that connects two provinces, namely Central Java and East Java. This toll road has a total length of 90.43 kilometers, consisting of three segments, namely the 20.9 kilometer Kartasura-Karaganyar Selection.

Then, the Karanganyar-Stragen Interchange Segment is 14.3 kilometers long and the Sragen-Ngawi Interchange Segment is 54.9 kilometers long.

This toll road can cut travel times faster to 1 to 1.5 hours from the original 2-3 hours using existing routes from Solo to Ngawi.

For people who want to spend time on the Nataru holiday in the Solo and Ngawi areas, they can travel through the toll road.

5. Surabaya-Mojokerto or Sumo Toll Road

The Sumo Toll Road has a total length of 36.27 kilometers and is divided into 4 sections. Section 1A Waru-Sepanjang (2.3 kilometers), Section 1B Sepanjang-Western Ring Road (4.3 kilometers), Section II WRR-Driyorejo (5.1kilometer), Section III Driyo-Krian (6.1 kilometers) and Section IV Krian-Mojokerto Kota (18.47 kilometers).

The Sumo toll road itself is connected to the Jombang-Mojokerto toll road and the Surabaya-Gempol toll road.

The Sumo Toll Road is one of the strategic Trans Java toll roads because it connects the city of Surabaya with the western part of East Java.

This is an alternative way for people who want to vacation in the Surabaya and Mojokerto areas.

6. Pandaan-Malang Toll Road

The Pandaan-Malang Toll Road is 38.5 kilometers long and is divided into 5 sections that make access to Malang City easier. The five sections are Pandaan-Lawang, Lawang-Singosari, Singosari-Pakis, Pakis-Malang.

The starting point of the toll road is in Pandaan, which is connected to the Gempol-Pandaan Toll Road. This toll road connects the city of Surabaya, which is the capital city of East Java Province with Malang City as a leading tourist area in East Java Province.

It is hoped that people who want to spend their vacation time around Malang City can be helped by the construction of the toll road.

7. The Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang-Kayu Agung Toll Road or Terpeka Toll Road

The Terpeka Toll Road has a total length of about 189 kilometers. The toll road was built to increase connectivity between Lampung province and South Sumatra province.

The construction of the Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang-Kayu Agung toll road is divided into 2 sections, namely Section 1 of the 112-kilometer Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang section with construction support from several BUMN Karya working on the construction of toll roads on the island of Java.

The SOEs in question are PT Jasamarga Semarang Batang (25 kilometers), Waskita Bumi Kira (25 kilometers), Citra Karya Jabar Tol (6 kilometers), Jasamarga South Japek (15 kilometers) and Jasamarga Jalan Layang Cikampek (12 kilometers). Meanwhile, the rest is a government assignment to BUMN PT Hutama Karya.

In Section II of the 77-kilometer Pematang Panggang-Kayu Agung section, the construction was carried out by PT. Hutama Karya is 77.17 kilometers long and the rest is support from Waskita Sriwijaya, a 2.4-kilometer-long toll road which is an access road.

The total length of the Terpeka Hutama Karya toll road is 107 km long, while the length of the toll road produced by VGF (viability gap fund) BUJT is 83 km long.

Nataru's momentum is usually used by people to go home to their hometowns, including leading to the island of Sumatra. This terpeka toll road can be an alternative way for travelers.