TNI Affirms No 10-month Susi Air Pilot Release Operation To Be Held By KKB Egianus Kogoya

The Commander of the XVII Cenderawasih Military Command Major General Izak Pangemanan emphasized that there was no deployment of troops to release Philip Mark Mehrtens, a Susi Air pilot who was held hostage by an armed criminal group or KKB led by Egianus Kogoya in Papua Mountains.

The Military Commander said the pattern carried out was still the same, namely negotiations involving various parties, including the Nduga Regional Government (Pemda), Papua Mountains.

"In addition, TNI soldiers who work in the area prioritize territorial activities or operations to increase trust in the security forces," said Izak in Jayapura, Thursday, December 14, as reported by Antara.

He emphasized that efforts to negotiate were put forward to minimize casualties, especially from the community.

For this reason, Izak hopes that Egianus Kogoya and his group will immediately release the hostages so that they can reunite with their families.

Izak said, from the report he received, the hostages were in good health.

Philip Mark Mehrtens is known to have been held hostage by the KKB led by Egianus Kogoya since February 7, 2023 or for 10 months. The New Zealand national who works as a pilot was taken hostage shortly after landing the Susi Air plane at the Paro airport, Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains.

According to Izak, there was no profit in taking the hostage, so he hoped that Egianus would soon release Philip Mark Mehrtens.

On the one hand, the security forces will also not pursue or carry out military operations to free the hostages.

"We don't want people to be affected if these operations are carried out," said the Pangdam.