Ganjar Commitment To Fix Farmers' Data To Overcome Fertilizer Scarcity

BEKASI - Presidential candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo is committed to improving farmers' data in Indonesia as an effort to overcome the scarcity of subsidized fertilizers.

This statement was made by Ganjar in response to complaints from one of the farmers during a meeting with farmer workers and fishermen in Taman Marakas, Bekasi, West Java, Thursday, December 14.

According to him, the first solution that can be done to overcome the scarcity of fertilizer is to improve the data. If elected President, he is committed to immediately improving the data of farmers in Indonesia.

"The language of Ganjar-Mahfud is a'sat set', fast, 'tas test'. So what? So that this is immediately resolved so that earlier all of your parents conveyed, the name is assistance from the state must reach those who are entitled," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

Ganjar said the scarcity of fertilizers did not only occur in Java, but also in other areas such as East Nusa Tenggara, Papua, Sulawesi, to Kalimantan.

"Everything is difficult and we don't ask questions, we ask my friends in the DPR. Yesterday's subsidy was reduced for several types, with high needs, it must be difficult," he said.

Nurman, one of the farmers in Bekasi, hopes that the problem of scarcity of fertilizer can be resolved.

"If you want to buy, you have to use an ID card, a high price. The price of rice should be higher than fertilizer. I hope that the fertilizer farmers will make it easier, the water will be made easier so that the selling price of rice is high," he said.

Ganjar also said that the data on the poor must also be corrected so that assistance can be provided easily and on target.

"What is the size of poor families, they just need to be included in the chipKTP. Later there is just a card to read, 'oh, this is categorized', so there is a guarantee for this person. Poor families will be well recorded there," he said.