Increase Crypto Literacy In Indonesia, CEO Of INDODAX Blusukan To Campus

JAKARTA - In order to carry out its commitment to increase crypto and blockchain education and literacy in Indonesia, INDODAX, as the first crypto exchange in Indonesia to hold an INDODAX Goes to Campus event. With the theme Crypto as a Future Asset, this time INDODAX visited the Esa Unggul campus on December 12.

CEO of INDODAX, Oscar Darmawan, also went directly to teach and educate students there.

"Through 'INDODAX Goes to Campus', we want to provide an in-depth understanding of crypto and blockchain technology to generation Z, which is the backbone of the nation's future. Based on data from BAPPEBTI, more than 50 percent of crypto assets are young people under the age of 30. The highest percentage is in the age range of 18-24 years which is 28.2 percent, and 25-30 years which is 28.5 percent," said Oscar.

Oscar emphasized that this program is a sustainable effort from INDODAX to provide an in-depth understanding to the younger generation regarding crypto and blockchain.

"We believe that equipping them with this knowledge is an investment for the future, especially given the increasingly crucial role of cryptocurrencies in the transformation of the global financial and digital industry," Oscar said.

For Oscar, "INDODAX Goes to Campus" is not just informing, but also aiming to empower the younger generation with relevant knowledge of the future of digital assets.

"With a good understanding, it is hoped that students can be actively involved and produce new innovations in the development of digital industry dynamics that are increasingly integrated with technology," said Oscar.

Oscar also said that he would visit other campuses in Indonesia alternately to ensure that the younger generation understands blockchain technology and crypto assets such as Bitcoin.

"We are very open if there are campuses that are interested in visiting and collaborating with the INDODAX Academy team. Please contact our team at any time," said Oscar.

Oscar also said that in the era of industrial revolution 4.0, technologies such as IoT, big data, robotics, AI, and blockchain were integrated with each other. Therefore, Oscar explained in detail about one of the technologies that was in the era of industrial revolution 4.0, namely blockchain.

"Blockchain is basically binding one data with the other. There are many advantages that blockchain technology can take advantage of, such as guaranteed security, more transparent, data is irreversible and can only be added, more efficient, can save operational costs, and the movement process can be tracked," said Oscar.

However, Oscar regretted that some parties were still abusing blockchain technology, especially crypto assets, to carry out illegal activities such as money laundering.

"This step is clearly a wrong step. The use of crypto assets like Bitcoin for money laundering can actually be easily detected. Blockchain as technology has the ability to audit and track every transaction, so that illegal actions can be quickly exposed," said Oscar.

Not only that, but Oscar also provides an in-depth understanding of crypto assets that can be used to invest, trading assets, to crypto mining, as well as providing tips and tricks in crypto transactions.

"Essentially, we must always do DYOR (Do Your Own Research) and not FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Don't be easily influenced by the lure of promising profits instantly and fantastically. Choose product assets that are recognized and understood. And most importantly, use a crypto exchange platform that has official permission from the government, such as INDODAX," said Oscar.

Meanwhile, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics & Business Esa Unggul, Dr. Abdul Haeba Ramli, SE,SH.MM., discussed the importance of artificial intelligence in the business world. AI is a "vehicle" that can be used to facilitate daily work.

"AI can provide significant innovation and efficiency opportunities for a company. Using AI can help work productivity, optimize operational processes, help decision making by providing in-depth data analysis," said Dr. Haeba.

Dr. Haeba also said that AI can also be used by a company to accelerate market dynamics responses and increase competitiveness to help achieve levels of efficiency that were not achieved before.

Apart from Oscar and Dr. Haeba, this event was also attended by the Chairman of the Management Concentration of the Doctoral Program of Economic Sciences at Trisakti University, Prof. Dr. Bachtiar Usman, SE, MM., who explained that the high awareness and understanding of society, especially generation Z, of inefficiency in the financial industry is one of the main drivers of the emergence of financial technology (fintech).

"Those who are reluctant and refuse to adopt digital technology will most likely experience economic setbacks. This is because the birth and development of the Fintech industry greatly affects daily life, from the economic side, regulation, risk, employment, to competition. The existence of financial technology can facilitate access to finance, reduce operational costs and accelerate business processes," said Prof. Bachtiar.

Not only that, Prof. Bachtiar also said that the birth of technology finance can give birth to the emergence of new entrepreneurs who make the fintech industry more democratic and expand employment opportunities in Indonesia.

The INDODAX Goes to Campus event was also attended by several lecturers, professional practitioners, and up to approximately 200 students of Esa Unggul University. This reflects the great enthusiasm of Generation Z as the nation's successor in facing the digital era.