Nunukan Police Failed To Smuggle 31 Kg Of Crystal Methamphetamine From Malaysia

NUNUKAN - The Nunukan Resort Police (Polres), North Kalimantan (Kaltara) thwarted the smuggling of 31 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine (kg) and 100 ecstasy pills.

Nunukan Police Chief AKBP Taufik Nurmandia said this case was revealed after the Nunukan Police Sat Polairud personnel together with the Joint Team conducted an investigation in Nunukan waters.

"At that time as much as 31 kg of crystal methamphetamine from Lahad Datu, Malaysia was successfully smuggled into Nunukan, fortunately the police managed to sniff out the shipment of the illicit goods before it was circulated," he said, Tuesday, December 12.

The case of smuggling methamphetamine stems from information about a boat that dismantled the cargo at the Batu Land Pier on Jalan Lingkar Nunukan.

"One ship that was docked was suspected and a search was carried out. There was a package of goods based on information from the crew at the West Sebatik Bambangan Pier which was previously sent from Lahad datu Malaysia," explained Taufik.

All suspicious items, continued the Police Chief, were secured by personnel and taken to Tunon Taka Port to be checked using an X-Ray machine with Customs and Excise officers.

"The blue plastic drum was found filled with flour when it was dismantled and found 31 large plastic packs. The results of the examination of these items were indeed methamphetamine. In addition, the police also found 100 ecstasy pills," said the police chief.

In addition to securing both drug evidence, the owner of the item with the initials IR (23) was arrested at a house on Rimba Street, Nunukan Tengah Village.

"The suspect IR finally admitted that the illicit goods belonged to his colleague RR who lives in Lahad Datu, Malaysia. The plan is that the methamphetamine will be brought to Parepare, South Sulawesi by sea," he explained.

The suspect was promised a salary of Rp. 10 million if he succeeded in bringing the methamphetamine to Parepare. "There are already waiting for the package," he said.

The perpetrator is suspected of violating Article 114 Paragraph (2) Subsidiary Article 112 Paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of the death penalty.