Anies Asks Prabowo's Feelings About The Constitutional Court's Decision To Pass Gibran Cawapres Violating Ethics, Prabowo: If People Don't Like It, Don't Have To Choose Us

Presidential candidate (candidate) number 1, Anies Baswedan asked the presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto regarding the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the presidential and vice presidential age limit.

The Constitutional Court's decision to pass Gibran Rakabuming Raka as Prabowo's vice presidential candidate was determined by the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) as a decision that had ethical violations by the Constitutional Court judges.

In the first 2024 presidential election debate, Anies also asked how Prabowo felt when he found out that the Constitutional Court's decision was problematic.

"You have until the 13th after you heard that it turns out that the nomination of the requirements is ethically packaged. My question is, what did you feel when you heard any ethical violators there?" Anies asked Prabowo, Tuesday, December 12.

Prabowo replied. The Minister of Defense felt that there was no problem with the violation of the ethics of the Constitutional Court's decision. Because, the decision is final and binding.

"The problem that is considered a violation of ethics has taken action and decision, yes, at that time by the party authorized. Then there have been actions and actions that are still being debated because the person concerned is still processing. But the point is that the decision is final and cannot be changed. Yes, I will carry it out, yes," Prabowo replied.

So, according to him, political developments have various perspectives. Prabowo also left it to the public to judge.

"Now it's like this, the point is the people decide, the people judge. If the people don't like Prabowo and Gibran, they don't choose us, brothers and sisters," he said.

In the 2024 presidential election, 5 presidential and vice presidential debates were held. The first, third, and fifth debates were specifically for presidential candidates. Meanwhile, the second and fourth debates were a special debate for vice presidential candidates.

The theme of the inaugural debate tonight raised the theme of law and human rights, government, eradication of corruption, strengthening democracy, improving public services, and harmony of citizens.

The first place of debate was created with a design that was made circularly like a stands in a football stadium. The capacity of this townhall model debate can accommodate up to 800 people.

In its implementation, the debate will last for 150 minutes. Especially the debate session lasted for 120 minutes, and the remaining 30 minutes of advertising shows. Debate is divided into six segments.