BKN: ASN Must Be Careful And Not Get Involved In Practical Politics

PENAJAM PASER UTARA - Badan Kegawanan Negara (BKN) menegaskan Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) harus berhati-hati di tahun politik dan tidak terlibat politik praktik yang dapat menyebabkan terkena sanksi.

"The increase in sanctions given is no longer light, but moderate to severe sanctions," said Deputy for Supervision and Control of BKN Otok Kuswandaru in Penajam Regency, North Market, East Kalimantan, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, December 11.

In the socialization of the ASN neutrality policy in the 2024 General Election, he emphasized that sanctions would be imposed on ASN who were proven to be directly involved in practical politics.

"So, ASN should be careful in the current political year, because there are many things that can cause ASN to get involved in practical politics," he said.

ASN and Free Daily Staff (THL) are not allowed to engage in campaigns and make decisions that benefit or harm general election participants (elections).

During the current campaign period, light sanctions have been abolished, because light sanctions are obtained for the affiliate of prospective candidates. But if you have become a legislative and presidential candidate, the sanctions imposed start from moderate to severe.

The sanctions given are in the form of postponement of promotion, demotion to dismissal if ASN is proven to have violated. "Siplinary sanctions are given according to the level of violation," he said.

Therefore, ASNs must be neutral by not providing support and doing what is prohibited from a person, group or group related to political parties.

"ASN must follow the rules that have been set so that in the process of implementing the election, ASN has integrity and nothing is processed," he said.

Government employees must be able to carry out their functions properly as state apparatus. "Among them are related to public policies and services as well as ASN as uniting the nation," he said.