TNI Commander Releases Departure Of MTF Task Force XXVIII-O UNIFIL To Lebanon

TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto led the departure ceremony for 120 soldiers who were members of the Garuda Maritime Task Force Task Force (KONGA MTF) XXVIII-O to serve as UN peacekeepers in Lebanon (UNIFIL) for the next 1 year.

At the Command Headquarters Pier (Moko) of the Military Cross-Seaval Command (Kolinlamil), Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, the Commander closed a series of events by releasing the rope that tied the KRI Diponegoro-365 and he together with the family of soldiers witnessed the 120 selected soldiers starting their journey from Jakarta to waters in Lebanon to serve with the peacekeeping force of the United Nations (UN).

"I really feel proud to hear and see the readiness of our Navy in carrying out the role of military diplomacy in the international world as part of the UN peacekeeping force. Indonesia as the largest maritime country in the world always sends warships and helicopters to join the UN Maritime Task Force UN peace mission. UNIFIL starting 2009 using the Sigma type corvette ship, "said the TNI Commander in his remarks during the departure ceremony at the Kolinlamil Mako Pier as reported by ANTARA, Monday, December 11.

The Garuda Maritime Task Force Task Force is one of the tasks in the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) which consists entirely of Indonesian Navy soldiers.

The MTF Task Force in Lebanon is tasked with maintaining peace along the Lebanese and Israeli borders along with other task forces, including the TNI Mechanized Battalion Task Force (INDOBATT), the TNI Headquarters/Force Headquarters Supporter Task Force (FHQSU), the Indo Force Protection Company (FPC) Task Force, the Civil-Military Coordination Task Force / Civilian Military Coordination (CIMIC) TNI, the Military Community Outreach Unit (MCOU) Task Force, and the Level 2 Hospital Task Force.

Most TNI soldiers who are members of UNIFIL operate on land, while the MTF Task Force carries out its duties at sea.

Some of the tasks carried out by soldiers from the UNIFIL MTF Task Force include patrolling water areas, especially along the border, preventing the entry of weapons illegally, and holding training for Lebanese Navy soldiers.

Indonesia regularly sends TNI soldiers to join the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon for at least 15 years. Indonesia is also one of the countries that contributes quite a lot to sending its soldiers to serve in the UN peacekeeping force.

In Lebanon as of October 26, 2023, the TNI Information Center said there were 1,229 soldiers who were members of various UNIFIL task forces.

The CONGA MTF XXVIII-O UNIFIL 2023 Task Force departed by the Commander in Chief today led by Marine Lt. Col. (P) Wirastya Haprabu. He led an army consisting of 103 crew members (ship crew members) who served at KRI Diponegoro-365, then 32 officers, 51 non-commissioned officers, and 20 main officers.

Outside the crew, there were also 16 soldiers, consisting of four pilot officers (pilot and co-pilot), one aircraft technician, four crew members, one health officer, one intelligence officer, one psychological officer, one lighting officer, one legal officer, one Catak Troop Command (Kopaska) non-commissioned officer, and one NAVY officer.

The Commander advised the soldiers to always give their best while on duty, and stay introspective.

"I want to remind our doctrine in the area of operation again that there is not a single piece of land in a safe area of operation. Therefore, the Dansatgas (Satgas Commander) together with all his staff must always remind each other, always be vigilant, and be ready. You will always pray for your safety and health during the task of this country so that you can reunite together during retirement later," said Agus Subiyanto.

During the departure ceremony, several officials who were also present included the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy Admiral Muhammad Ali, Army Chief of Staff General Maruli Simanjuntak.