KPK Disappointed Eddy Rumpoko Napi Corruptor Buried In Batu City Heroes Cemetery

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron regretted that the former Mayor of Batu Eddy Rumpoko was buried in the Suropati Heroes Cemetery, Batu, East Java. Because, Eddy Rumpoko is a corruption convict.

It is known that Eddy died on Thursday, November 30, 2023 at the Kariadi Hospital in Semarang. At that time he was still a corruption convict.

"We regret that someone who has been based on a legal decision has been declared corrupt, which means that he has harmed and betrayed the people and the Indonesian state is actually buried in a hero garden," said Ghufron in a written statement, Monday, December 11.

Ghufron asked for a similar incident not to happen. He hopes that there will be an evaluation regarding who has the right to be buried in the hero's dining park (TMP).

According to him, even though Eddy had received an award, this should have been canceled because he was once caught in a case. "In the future, we need to review who deserves to be buried at the TMP," he said.

"Whatever the awarder is, if it turns out that after it is proven corruption, all the awards should be in the asset again and the right to be buried in TMP. This is important not to injure the respect of the Indonesian nation for its heroes," continued Ghufron.

For information, Eddy is a convict in a gratification case worth Rp46.8 billion. The court sentenced him to seven years in prison on May 19, 2022 and served his sentence at Kedungpane Prison, Semarang.