LSI Survey: Ganjar-Mahfud Is The Most Potential To Cheat Elections

JAKARTA - The latest survey by the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) states that the pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates number 3, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD has the most potential to cheat the upcoming 2024 election.

The results of the survey were revealed in a survey release entitled "Debat of Presidential Candidates, Neutrality of Elections and Electability" which was held in the period 3-5 December 2023.

"Based on the Ganjar-Mahfud survey, it is considered the most potential to cheat with a percentage of 20.6 percent, followed by Prabowo-Gibran 14.4 percent, and Anies-Muhaimin 5.4 percent. The remaining 59.6 percent answered they did not know," said LSI Executive Director Djayadi Hanan in a press statement, Monday, December 11.

Djayadi revealed that based on the survey, as many as 50.2 percent of the public believes that the potential for fraud in the 2024 election is very large. This potential comes from 3 parties, namely political parties by 17.1 percent, the success team of presidential and vice presidential candidates 15.9 percent, and election organizers 13.6 percent.

"Meanwhile, President Jokowi's potential fraud is considered only 2.3 percent, and what is done by presidential or vice presidential candidates is 4.2 percent," he said.

Meanwhile, the other parties who have the potential to commit fraud are the regional government at 4 percent, and the central government at 2.9 percent.

The selection of samples in this survey was carried out through the random digit dialing (RDD) method involving 1,426 respondents.

Interviews conducted by telephone by trained interviewers with a margin of error claimed to be +- 2.6 percent at a 95 percent confidence level, a simple random sampling assumption.