137 Rohingya Refugees Again Rejected By Ladong Residents Of Aceh Besar

BanDA ACEH - A total of 137 Rohingya refugees who were brought from the Aceh Governor's Office, Banda Aceh City to the UPTD Formulah Seujahtera Beujroh Meukarya Ladong Tuna Sosial in Gampong Ladong, Aceh Besar, were again rejected by the local community.

One of the residents of Ladong Armansyah said residents refused to be placed in Ladong because of previous experiences, many of whom were from Rohing, namely escaping from shelters, which disturbed local residents.

"The first wave of Rohingya came here first, we have received it, but his behavior has a lot of effect, he is disturbed by the community," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, December 11.

In addition, he continued, many of the Rohingya refugees who were previously placed in the UPTD Rumoh Seujahtera Beujroh Meukarya Ladong Tuna Socially also escaped from the shelter.

"Many of them came out to escape from here, (scared) of missing owning residents, dealing with residents, and all kinds of things," he said.

ANTARA reporters reported that dozens of Ladong people were standing in front of the UPTD Rumoh Seujahtera Beujroh Meukarya Ladong Tuna Social, to prevent the Rohingya refugees from being placed there.

That way, the refugee group has been moved five times due to residents' refusal since they landed in Aceh Besar on Sunday (10/12) morning.

The asylum seekers were dispatched to the Aceh Social Service UPTD from Taman Ratu Safiatuddin, which is located not far from the Aceh Governor's Office.

Before being rejected by the Ladong community, the refugees had experienced rejection from a number of places, such as Lamreh, Aceh Besar and Scout Camp Pramuka in Pidie.

Previously, the Head of Public Order and Peace Division of the Aceh Satpol PP, Azmanto, said that his party was ordered to bring Rohingya Muslims to Ladong for a while.

He said the residents were planning only for about a week at the UPTD Rumoh Seujahtera Beujroh Meukarya Ladong Tuna Social.

"Earlier, the UNHCR was already there, IOM was also present. So, only one M

week. We represent Satpol PP and the Aceh Government only deliver to Ladong," he said.

According to him, the UPTD Formulah Seujahtera Beujroh Meukarya Ladong Tuna Sosial belongs to the Aceh Government so that it is considered impossible to reject it.

"So, we have coordinated with Ladong, so we have received it there. A week later, UNHCR will find another solution, where it will be placed," said Azmanto.