PT PII Gives Indonesia's Economic Add Value Of IDR 858 Trillion, Dominated By Infrastructure Projects

JAKARTA - PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (PII) continues to contribute to the national economy by providing added economic value of up to IDR 858.7 trillion.

President Director of PT PII Wahid Sutopo said that the added value of the economy generated came from infrastructure projects that had been given guarantees by PT PII, among others, namely in the Road sector of Rp705 trillion, from 14 toll road projects, the preservation of 9 national roads, and the replacement of 37 bridges on the island of Java.

Meanwhile, from the Telecommunications sector in the form of the Palapa Ring project by building an 8.479 km long optical cable network and a multifunctional satellite connecting 149.400 offline service points in Indonesia (including area 3 T), provided an economic added value of IDR 78 trillion.

Then in the Drinking Water sector, PT PII guarantees 6 SPAM projects with a total production discharge of 15,450 liters/second serving approximately 5.9 million people or approximately 1.18 million connections and providing an added economic value of IDR 19 trillion.

Furthermore, PT PII's guarantee in the transportation sector project provided an added value of IDR 48 trillion in the economy, the Energy Conservation sector of IDR 0.7 trillion, and the Tourism sector of IDR 8 trillion.

As is known, the government through the Ministry of Finance provides various facilities and support for KPBU schemes such as Project Development Facility (PDF), Feasibility Gap Fund (VGF), Infrastructure Guarantee, and support for the implementation of the Availability Payment scheme.

The implementation of infrastructure guarantees is carried out by one of the Ministry of Finance's Special Mission Vehicles (SMV), namely PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero) or PT PII.

In managing the risk of the KPBU project, PT PII guarantees the pre-construction, construction, and operation stages. Guaranteed risks include discriminatory legal changes (project specific), important delays in approval, early termination due to government actions, delays in providing project land, and risk of payment of services.

Since its establishment in 2009 to 2023, PT PII has received PMN of IDR 10.65 trillion. Of the amount of IDR 9.08 trillion, it is intended for the main mandate guarantee for both the KPBU and non-PU schemes, and IDR 1.57 trillion for PEN.

"In the last two years, from the accumulated PMN amount of Rp. 10.65 trillion, the value of PT PII's assets in 2022 is Rp. 15.56 trillion and is projected that by the end of 2023 it will increase to Rp. 16.43 trillion," he said at a Media Briefing event at the DJKN Building, Friday, December 8.

Sutopo said that the Company's equity in 2022 is IDR 15.15 trillion and is predicted to increase to IDR 15.96 trillion by the end of 2023.

Meanwhile, based on the use of PMN, PT PII has guaranteed 39 infrastructure projects with an investment value of IDR 411 trillion. As for the value of infrastructure guarantees of IDR 80 trillion.

In addition, from 2017 to 2023, PT PII has contributed to state revenues in the form of tax payments and dividends reaching IDR 2.1 trillion.