Many Violations, Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Forms 4 Of The Gakkum Task Force

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will form four Law Enforcement Task Forces (Gakkum Task Force) which will be tasked with law enforcement against violations of the law in the ESDM sector, including handling mining practices without a permit (PETI).

The four Gakkum Task Forces, namely the Gakkum Task Force in the fields of minerals and coal (minerba), electricity, oil and natural gas, and misuse of subsidized fuel.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources through the Acting Director General of Mineral and Coal (Dirjen Minerba), Bambang Suswantono, said that his party had proposed at least four teams of the Gakkum Task Force.

The four task forces are the task force team that handles illegal mining by leading sector of the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, the task force team that handles illegal oil drilling practices by leading sector of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, the task force team related to the misuse of subsidized fuel which is the leading sector of BPH Migas, and the task force team that handles violations of electricity theft law which is the leading sector of the Directorate General of Gatrik.

"So, four task forces will follow up on violations of several crimes, especially in the ESDM sector," said Bambang, quoted on Saturday, December 9, 2023.

He added that currently the draft Presidential Decree on the proposed formation of the ESDM Gakkum Task Force is being studied by the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs.

Bambang hopes that when the ESDM Gakkum Task Force has been officially enacted, the crackdown on illegal mining can be carried out more optimally.

Especially for the proposal of the Gakkum Task Force in the mineral and coal sector, based on the results of the mapping, it has been identified that there are PETIs in 2,741 locations. Of these, 1,215 locations have been designated as People's Mining Areas (WPR).

"There is a need for a special approach and guidance to curb mining practices without permission carried out by the local community," said Bambang.

However, Bambang said that the proactive attitude of the Regional Government (Regional Government) was also needed in fighting for the mining of the people.

The problem is, the Governor's own WPR submission to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources takes into account the recommendations and suitability of spatial planning, the carrying capacity of the environment, and the capacity of activities.

Then, evaluated by the Bappeda, PUPR Service, and the Environment Agency. In addition, the WPR must also meet the criteria stated in Article 22 of Law 3 of 2020.