The 2024 Pilkada Budget In East Java Is IDR 845 Billion

SURABAYA - The manuscript of the Regional Grant Agreement (NPHD) which is one of the important components in organizing the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) in East Java has been officially signed.

The Provincial Government approved a total Regional Head Election (Pilkada) budget in East Java of IDR 845 billion.

The signing of the NPHD was carried out directly by the Chairman of the East Java Provincial General Election Commission (KPU), Choirul Anam, with the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa on Thursday night, December 7, 2023.

The signing of the NPHD was also carried out by the Head of Bawaslu for East Java Province.

"Maturnuwun has taken the time in the middle of being busy managing East Java, to sign the NPHD tonight. Hopefully it will be a charity for the Governor," Anam said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, December 8.

Anam also expressed his gratitude to those who have contributed to this day. The reason is that to achieve agreement at this point is enough through a long process.

"Since 2021 we have started the preparation process. Initially we submitted it to be explored by the Budget Team. Until then in February 2022 the Governor issued Decree Number 188 regarding joint funding for the East Java gubernatorial election budget," he said.

"The process, said Anam, continued until March 2023, which together with the Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD) agreed on a budget value of Rp. 845 billion," explained the former member of the KPU Surabaya City.

Anam continued, meaning that the signing of the NPHD tonight is proof of a joint commitment to oversee the 2024 East Java Governor and Deputy Governor Election (Pilgub Jatim).

"The East Java KPU commitment to hold the gubernatorial election as well as possible. We will always use the effective budget, as efficiently as possible and of course accountable, both accountable by the Government, BPK, Inspectorate, and so on," he said.

Similarly, the Chairman of the East Java Bawaslu, A. Warits, is also committed to using the budget well.

"In the future, we will use the budget from the East Java Regional Budget to finance the supervision of regional elections in East Java as well as possible," said Warits.

Meanwhile, at that moment, Khofifah emphasized the importance of the decision-making process in budget allocation which must be clear to realize a sustainable development.

"Well, this sustainability requires a legal umbrella as a reference to be able to break down the program in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). Meanwhile, the APBD must go through the Draft Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (RAPBD), the RAPBD through the Regional Development Work Plan (RKPD) which must be subject to the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD)," he said.

Khofifah argues that there are things that need to be developed in a more systemic format to provide assistance for all Acting Officers, considering that many regencies/cities in the eastern Java region have ended their term of office.

"This forum is not only a technical matter, but also a strategic thing that reminds us all districts/cities to seriously organize long-term strategic development," he said.

The signing procession was attended by the East Java Forkorpimda ranks. Meanwhile, the KPU was present in addition to Anam, Miftahur Rozaq, Cahyo Baskoro's Gogot, Insan Qoriawan, Rokani, and Nurul Amalia, Nanik Karsini's Secretary, along with the secretariat staff.