Ministry Of Transportation Limits Truck Mobility During Nataru, Here's The Schedule

JAKARTA - The mobilization of trucks or goods transport vehicles will be limited during the period of homecoming and Backflow of Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024 (Nataru) transportation. This restriction is carried out to increase the smooth running of traffic.

These restrictions are contained in the Joint Decree (SKB) by the Ministry of Transportation, Korlantas Polri and the Ministry of PUPR regarding Road Traffic Regulation and Crossing During the Period of Homecoming and Backflow of Christmas Transportation 2023 and New Year 2024 officially issued on Wednesday, December 5, 2023.

The signing of SKB Number: KP-DRJD 8298 Year 2023, SKB: 218/XII/2023, and Number: 19/PKS/Db/2023 was carried out by the Director General of Land Transportation Hendro Sugiatno, Plt. Head of the Traffic Corps of the Police Brigadier General Pol. Aan Suhanan, and the Director General of Highways Hedi Rahadian.

Hendro said that with this SKB, the Nataru holiday would experience restrictions for safety, security, and comfort and mutual order.

"There are some times that will experience arrangements on roads and on crossings," said Hendro in a written statement, Thursday, December 7.

Hendor said the determination was related, among others, to restrictions on operational transportation of goods on toll roads and non-toll roads, lane systems and tidal lanes/no flow (contra flow). Furthermore, the regulation of crossings at Merak-Bakauheni, Ketapang-Gilimanuk, and Janger-Lembar routes.

Regulation of delaying systems and as buffer zones for the operation of goods transport vehicles across Merak, Bakauheni, Ketapang, Gilimanuk, Janger, and Lembar.

Types Of Goods Transport Vehicles And Limitation Schedules

Regarding restrictions, continued Hendro, goods transport vehicles that are subject to restrictions include goods cars weighing more than 14,000 kg, goods cars with an axis of 3 or more. Then goods cars with attached trains, trailers, as well as goods cars carrying excavated products, mining products and building materials.

"This restriction is carried out to increase the smooth traffic during the Nataru holiday considering the number of vehicle volumes is predicted to increase, both on toll roads and non-toll roads," said Hendro.

However, Hendro revealed that there are several vehicles carrying goods that are exempt from restrictions or can still operate, namely those carrying fuel or BBG, sending money, animals and animal feed, fertilizers, and basic goods.

"But the vehicle must be equipped with a cargo letter with several provisions, namely issued by the owner of the transported goods, a cargo letter containing information on the type of goods, destination, and name and address of the owner of the goods. Finally, it is attached to the left front glass of the freight transport," he said.

The following is the time for the implementation of operational restrictions on the transportation of goods on toll roads during the Christmas holidays:

Ahead of Christmas (homecoming current 1)

Friday, December 22 at 00.00 to Sunday, December 24, 2023 at 24.00 local time.

Post-Christmas (backflow 1)

Tuesday 26 December from 00.00 to Wednesday 27 December 2023 at 08.00 local time.

Ahead of the New Year (the flow of homecoming 2)

Friday 29 December from 00.00 to Saturday 30 December 2023 at 24.00 local time.

Post-New Year's Eve (backflow 2)

Monday January 1 at 00.00 WIB until January 2, 2024 at 08.00 local time.

The following is the time for the implementation of operational restrictions on goods transportation on non-toll roads during the Christmas holidays:

Ahead of Christmas (homecoming current 1)

Friday 22 December to 24 December 2023 each from 05.00 to 22.00 local time.

After Christmas (backflow 1)

Tuesday 26 and December 27, 2023, respectively, from 05.00 to 22.00 local time.

Ahead of the New Year (the flow of homecoming 2)

Friday, December 29 and December 30, 2023, respectively from 05.00 to 22.00 local time.

Post-New Year's Eve (backflow 2)

Monday January 1 at 05.00 to 22.00 local time and January 2, 2024 at 05.00 to 22.00 local time.

Limited toll roads:

1. Lampung and South Sumatra: Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar - Pematang Panggang - Kayu Agung.

2. DKI Jakarta - Banten: Jakarta - Tangerang - Merak.

3. DKI Jakarta:

a) Prof. DR. Ir. Sedyatmo;

b) Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR); and

c) In Jakarta.

4. DKI Jakarta and West Java:

a) Jakarta - Bogor - Ciawi - Cigombong;

b) Cigombong - Cibadak;

c) Bekasi - Cawang - Kampung Melayu; and

d) Jakarta - Cikampek.

5. West Java:

a) Cikampek - Purwakarta - Padalarang - Cileunyi;

b) Cikampek - Palimanan - Kanci - Pejagan;

c) Jakarta - South Cikampek II (Fungsional);

d) Cileunyi - Cimalaka; and

e) Cimalaka - Dawuan;

6. Central Java:

a) Pejagan - Pemalang - Batang - Semarang;

b) Krapyak - Jatingaleh, (Semarang);

c) Jatingaleh - Srondol, (Semarang);

d) Jatingaleh - Muktiharjo, (Semarang);

e) Semarang - Solo - Ngawi;

f) Semarang - Demak; and

g) Jogja - Solo (Fungsional).

7. East Java:

a) Ngawi-Kertosono - Mojokerto - Surabaya - Gempol- Pasuruan - Probolinggo;

b) Surabaya - Gresik; and

c) Pandaan - Malang.

Non-toll roads that apply restrictions:

1. North Sumatra:

a. Medan - Berastagi; and

b. Pematang Siantar - Parapat Simalungun - Porsea.

2. Jambi and West Sumatra:

a. Jambi - Sarolangun - Padang;

b. Jambi - Tebo - Padang;

c. Jambi - Sengeti - Padang; and

d. Padang - Bukit Tinggi.

3. Jambi - South Sumatra - Lampung: Jambi - Palembang - Lampung.

4. DKI Jakarta - Banten: Jakarta - Tangerang - Serang- Cilegon - Merak.

5. Banten:

a. Merak - Cilegon - South Ring Road Cilegon - Anyer -Labuhan;

b. Jalan Raya Merdeka - Jalan Raya Gatot Subroto;

c. Serang - Pandeglang - Labuhan.

6. DKI Jakarta - West Java: Jakarta - Bekasi -Cikampek - Pamukan - Cirebon.

7. West Java:

a. Bandung - Nagreg - Tasikmalaya - Ciamis - Banjar;

b. Bandung - Sumedang - Majalengka; and

c. Bogor - Ciawi - Sukabumi - Cianjur.

8. West Java - Central Java: Cirebon - Brebes.

9. Central Java:

a. Solo - Klaten - Yogyakarta;

b. Brebes - Tegal - Pemalang - Pekalongan - Batang - Kendal - Semarang - Demak;

c. Bawen - Magelang - Yogyakarta; and

d. Tegal - Purwokerto.

10. Central Java - East Java: Solo - Ngawi.

11. Yogyakarta:

a. Jogja - Wates;

b. Jogja - Sleman - Magelang;

c. Jogja - Wonosari; and

d. South Cross Road (Daendeles road).

12. East Java:

a. Pandaan - Malang;

b. Probolinggo - Lumajang;

c. Madiun - Caruban - Jombang; and

d. Banyuwangi - Jember.

13. Bali: Denpasar - Gilimanuk.