The Construction Of The Kaltara Moon Bridge Is Not A Priority

TANJUNG SELOR - The plan to build the Moon Bridge (Bulungan-Tarakan) in North Kalimantan (Kaltara) has not been confirmed.

The plan to build a bridge this month has never been discussed between the DPRD and the North Kalimantan Provincial Government.

"Regarding the plan to build the Moon bridge, we (legislature) do not know its development. Of course, a technical study is needed first, in scientific standards there is a feasibility study (FS) or a feasibility study," said North Kalimantan DPRD Chairman Albertus Stefanus Marianus Baya, Thursday, December 7th.

Technical studies, continued Albertus, really need to be carried out so that the construction of bridges at trillions of costs can be realized or not.

"One of the indicators that Banggar (budget Agency) considers in the DPRD is scientific studies," he said.

This FS is important to be able to have an impact in the future, both technically and in planning so that it can be accounted for.

"Moreover, as reported by the media, the estimated budget requirement to build a bridge this month reached Rp. 8-10 trillion. Right, our APBD has not been able to finance it all," he explained.

This means that we must see the extent of the regional financial potential to build.

"Then it is also associated with the real situation and conditions in the field, if it is a priority to be built, please. The plan for this month's Bridge can be an alternative, then it must be considered again. Because there are other options. Because there are still many needs for bridge construction in the caltara, such as in the Border area," said Albertus.

The same thing was expressed by the Governor of Kaltara Zainal A Paliwang. In addition to requiring very large costs, private parties who want to invest in building the Moon bridge will definitely want their refunds in the not too distant future.

"If there are investors who want to build, please, but if we look at the costs that will be incurred very much. Of course investors have a calculation of when their investment capital can return in the not too distant future," said the Governor.

Zainal said that regarding the plan to build the Moon Bridge, no investor has yet expressed interest.

"In principle, everyone will definitely want the funds back. We see the bridge we made in Kaltara, we prioritize the benefits that are really many and priorities are needed to meet the needs of the community, such as in remote areas and borders," he concluded.