Supporting The Second Pillar Of SDGs, PLN UID Jakarta Prepares A CSR Program Worth IDR 5 Billion

JAKARTA - PLN Jakarta Raya's Main Distribution Unit (UID) has prepared a CSR program of IDR 5 billion throughout 2023. This is done in order to support the second pillar of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely economic development.

"In 2023, we distribute CSR assistance of around Rp45 billion spread throughout DKI Jakarta," said General Manager of PLN Main Distribution Unit (UID) Jakarta Raya Lasiran to reporters when met after the inauguration of Edufarm Malasani in the Duren Sawit area, East Jakarta, Thursday, December 7.

Lasiran said the CSR assistance program would be more focused on supporting agroindustrials as has been done for Edufarm Malasani.

"Later, (the CSR program) we will focus on those who further empower the community's economy such as this (Edufarm Malasani), namely that people can earn more income, absorb labor, and become food security," he said.

Later, the CSR program that has been realized can become one of Indonesia's efforts to reduce dependence on imports on foreign countries.

"So, there is no need to continue to import vegetables and import food. In fact, (the results) are exported outside," he added.

Previously reported, PT PLN (Persero) Main Distribution Unit (UID) Jakarta Raya inaugurated Edufarm Malasani in the Duren Sawit area, East Jakarta, Thursday, December 7.

This is done in order to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for decent work, economic growth, and increased food security.

"Yes, we are at Edufarm Malasani today. This is a form of our commitment to provide assistance in the form of CSR to the people in DKI," said General Manager of PLN Main Distribution Unit (UID) Jakarta Raya Lasiran.

He said that the Women's Group of Farmers D'Shafa as the driving force for Edufarm Malasani was the fostered partner of the TJSL program PLN UID Jakarta Raya since 2022 until now.

The assistance that has been provided in 2022 is worth IDR 50 million, including the construction of green houses and floating rafts. Meanwhile, the assistance provided in 2023 is IDR 400 million, including the construction of the second green house and various supports for MSMEs. Starting from planting, production, packaging, and showcase.

"In the future, we will focus on strengthening the competence of human resources and the construction of Edufarm Malasani infrastructure," he added.