TKN: If Someone Says Prabowo-Gibran Avoids Debate, That's Misleading Narrative

JAKARTA - Director of Spokesperson for the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN), Viva Yoga Mauladi, emphasized that the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 2 is ready to participate in the debate of candidates held by the Indonesian KPU.

If someone says Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka is not ready to debate, according to Viva, it is a misleading narrative.

This was emphasized by Viva in response to Presidential Candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, who said Gibran Rakabuming was ready to debate when criticizing the condition of SMK in Central Java.

"If anyone declares that the candidate pair Prabowo and Gibran reject and avoid debate, it is not true and misleading," Viva told reporters, Thursday, December 7.

Viva said that Prabowo-Gibran's narrative avoided the debate, which has recently been busy deliberately framed the candidate pairs that were promoted by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition.

"The narrative was deliberately packed and negatively framing Prabowo Gibran," he added.

Viva also stated that Prabowo-Gibran was ready to face the debate that had been determined by the KPU, which was 5 times. In fact, said Viva, Prabowo and Gibran are also ready to use English as international.

"Prabowo Gibran is ready physically and mentally to carry out a 5-time debate according to the law. If you want to add more to the debate in English, who is afraid of hehehe," said Viva.

Viva emphasized that TKN Prabowo Gibran would obey and obey the law. Including following any debate the format set by the KPU.

"Any format and debate model created and decided by the KPU, we are ready," he said.

Previously, Ganjar assessed that Gibran was ready for the 2024 presidential election debate. This was conveyed by Ganjar during a campaign in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan, Wednesday, December 6.

Ganjar initially answered about Gibran's criticism regarding Central Java Vocational School facilities and infrastructure which were considered outdated. According to him, facilities and infrastructure that are considered old-school in Central Java Vocational High School are proven to be able to produce graduates who are ready to work.

"The title can produce ready-to-use workers, especially modern," said Ganjar, Wednesday, December 6.

However, Ganjar was happy to receive input from President Jokowi's eldest son. He also assessed that Gibran was ready to hold a presidential / vice presidential debate in the 2024 presidential election. Ganjar even denied the milling issue that the former PDIP politician was not ready to face the debate.

"It's a bit of slander that says he's not ready for a debate. He's ready (to debate) to have a record and coincidentally when the consortium was made I went with him," explained Ganjar.