UK Warns Companies to Pay Attention to Privacy Rights in Use of Artificial Intelligence

JAKARTA - Britain's data protection watchdog is warning companies to consider individual privacy rights whenever they use artificial intelligence (AI), or risk not only fines but also losing public trust in the technology.

The country's Information Commissioner, John Edwards, said in a speech on  Wednesday 6 December that companies must protect their customers' personal information in all circumstances when they use AI.

"You can't expect to use AI in your products or services without considering privacy, data protection and how you will protect people's rights," Edwards said.

"Our message to organizations is clear – non-compliance with data protection is not profitable," he said. He added that fines would be imposed in proportion to the profits gained through non-compliance with the rules.

The risks surrounding the rapid development of AI have become a high priority for policymakers around the world since Microsoft-backed Open AI released ChatGPT to the public last year.