Ganjar Receives East Indonesia's Aspirations Regarding Health Facilities And Health Workers

Presidential candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo received many aspirations during a campaign in Eastern Indonesia, one of which was the lack of access to health services related to health facilities (faskes) and health workers (nakes).

Responding to these aspirations, the Ganjar-Mahfud MD pair has prepared a program, namely the provision of facilities and health workers in all villages.

"So, these are the two main aspirations that we absorb. Health and education are important, because only healthy and skilled people are able to work and be productive," said TPN narration and Content Director Ganjar-Mahfud Roby Muhamad as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 6.

Roby said Ganjar heard many stories about the lack of access to health services when starting a campaign in a small village in Merauke, Papua.

Ganjar sat down and listened to Pastor Leo's outpouring, who was forced to become a doctor and midwife because of the lack of facilities and health workers.

The former Governor of Central Java was also inspired by the enthusiasm and creativity of young people in Merauke and heard their need for space to be creative. It is different in NTT, the people advised Ganjar to prioritize education issues.

Roby said Ganjar-Mahfud had prepared a program to overcome health and education problems.

"For health, Mas Ganjar has a special program, namely All Villages Have Health Facilities and Health Workers. The goal is that villagers throughout Indonesia do not need to worry about health problems and can work hard without worrying," said Roby.

According to Roby, Ganjar-Mahfud already knows the people's main aspirations. People want to be able to work and stable prices.

"For this reason, we will continue to develop supporting programs so that the people's main aspirations can be achieved," he said.