Police Don't Find Elements Of Bullying In Students In Bandar Lampung

BANDAR LAMPUNG - Lampung Regional Police (Polda) said the collection of video instructions and interviews carried out did not find any elements of bullying against high school students in Bandarlampung as the video went viral.

"We have conducted interviews with the reported party, school teachers and reporters, there was no bullying or bullying found," said Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Regional Police, Kombes Umi Fadilah Astutik, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 6.

Previously, the Bandar Lampung Police Satreskrim had also asked for information from witnesses who were aware of the viral video case of bullying, namely T, R, Y, and Z.

"We also ask for information from the school, in this case, teachers who know about the incident," he said.

The results of the investigation into this case, it is known that the viral video was taken on the will of the victim himself.

"Currently, the Bandarlampung Police Satreskrim PPA Unit and the Lampung Provincial Government PPA UPTD continue to monitor the physical and mental condition of the Supreme Court," he said.

For victims of the Supreme Court, psychological tests have been carried out from clinical psychology and are awaiting the results.

"Furthermore, the school also encourages the Supreme Court to go to school again as usual," he said.

It is known that the Lampung Police investigators are investigating allegations of bullying by private high school students which resulted in an immoral video in Bandar: ampung that has been circulating since the end of last week. Where in the video, a high school student is suspected of being forced to act outside the norms by her colleagues.