Facing New Year's Eve 2024, South Sumatra LRT Extends Operational Hours

South Sumatra (Sumsel) SUMMSEL - LRT extended operating hours until 01.00 WIB on New Year's Eve on December 31, 2023. On weekdays, South Sumatra LRT operates from 05.06 WIB 20.43 WIB. The extension of operating hours on New Year's Eve has also been carried out in the previous year. "This year we will also do the same (extermination hours) including adding train sets from six to seven train sets in several hours of peak hour," said Head of the South Sumatra Light Train Management Agency (BPKARSS). Rode Paulus GP in Ngobras "Optimizing Palembang LRT Services" in Palembang, South Sumatra, Wednesday, December 6, confiscated by Antara. The addition of the train set, continued Rode, will increase the number of trips from 94 to 104 trips.

Rode revealed that the addition of operating hours on New Year's Eve last year had a significant impact on the increase in the number of passengers. He noted that LRT passengers on December 31, 2022, reached 22 thousand passengers. In fact, on the following day, namely January 1, 2023, the number of passengers exceeded 33 thousand passengers. "This is because several roads are closed in addition to the extended operating hours until 00.30 WIB," he said. But the feeder issue is not yet official. We are trying to serve the feeder at the same time as the LRT," said Rode.