Pelita Air Passengers Who Are Joking With Bombs Are Secured At POM Lanudal Juanda

The National Police said that Pelita Air passengers with the assistance number IP 205 Surabaya-Jakarta route who joked about carrying bombs had been secured. The passenger was taken to POM Lanudal Juanda for further investigation.

"Information that the passengers who threatened the bomb have now been detained and examined by officers," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Wednesday, December 6.

The inspection was carried out of course to find out more about the passenger's motive. Although, the results of the provisional request for information called the passenger admitted that they were just joking.

"The threat of a bomb on the plane was carried out by one of the passengers with the aim of joking," he said.

On a different occasion, PT Pelita Air Service Corporate Secretary Agdya PP Yogandari stated that he had investigated the results of the threat of a bomb from a passenger who was on an IP 205 flight with the name Surya Hadi Wijaya with seat number 14A.

The jokes carrying the bomb were thrown away while the plane was running (taxy) to the runway. Pelita Air has also taken action in accordance with established security protocols.

"The security team in collaboration with airport officials carried out a thorough inspection of planes, passengers, baggage and luggage and was declared safe," he said.

Agdya said that based on Article 344 letter e of Law Number 1 of 2009 concerning Flights, everyone is prohibited from taking illegal actions (acts of unlawful interference) that endanger flight safety and air transportation in the form of conveying false information that endangers flight safety.

Meanwhile, Article 437 of Law Number 1 of 2009 concerning Aviation states that everyone conveys false information that endangers flight safety as referred to in Article 344 letter e shall be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 1 (one) year.