TPST Gedebage Operational Trial, Bandung City Government Maximizes Waste Decomposition Plates

BANDUNG - Bandung City Government (Pemkot) has begun testing the operation of the Gedebage Integrated Waste Processing Site (TPST). The TPST is expected to be able to reduce the volume to 60 tons per day. which is thrown into the final disposal site (TPA) to 60 tons per day.

"This is still the trial period, although it is still not ideal. We have only used the Maggotization of nine biophones. For the inorganic waste, four of the six pedicab machines are already running," said Bandung City Regional Secretary Ema Sumarna in Bandung, Wednesday, December 6, quoted by Antara.

Ema said that currently there are still several notes, especially related to the hangar of the manggot (the origin of the black army fly, ed.). He said that the magazine capable of unraveling organic waste must be in a state that is not hot and has no water.

"After we look at the field and input from the Maggot activist, below we have to use a wall coating that can absorb water not from tarpaulins because the beard is said to be unable to process eating in hot conditions," he said.

According to him, the magazine is quite effective in describing food waste. Therefore, the city government continues to encourage food waste from restaurants to be processed at TPST Gedebage.

"We want all organic restaurant waste in the city of Bandung to be brought here (TPST Gedebage). Later it can be mixed between market waste and restaurant waste. Because one box of biophone should ideally reach 1 quintal, the more food, the more Maggots," he said.

Furthermore, he said the presence of the TPST would not cause environmental pollution in the Gedebage area.

"And this is also not environmental contamination, with the technology used it will not become environmental cypress. Because it has been discussed regarding that," said Ema.

Until now, he said, the Bandung City Government also still has a quota of 13,000 ritace to the Sarimukti TPA or around 65,000 tons. Seeing the existing developments, Ema is optimistic that before the end of the year TPST Gedebage will operate optimally and the Waste Emergency status will end soon.

"There have been many alternatives, if we are trapped in an alternative, we will find it difficult. Hopefully everything will run smoothly," he said.