Important Listen, This Is The Key To Applying For Your Loans Approved By The Bank

YOGYAKARTA - Many think that borrowing money from a bank is complicated and difficult. Even though there are practical ways. Want to know the key to applying for a loan is approved by the bank?

Money is a matter of value for various necessities of life. Not only from income, money can also be obtained through a loan of the kind from the bank.

But there is a way to make loans at acc bank or approved by banks, especially if the money is used for business capital needs, house renovations, buying vehicles, or making education payments.

Then, how to get a loan at ac bank? Come on, you follow the following tips!

Convince It To Have Fixed Income

Saat sebelum mengajukan pinjaman, kamu wajib memastikan memiliki pendapatan yang tetap setiap bulan. Karena, nominal pendapatan jadi titik ukuran terhadap besar pinjaman yang diberikan oleh bank.

The greater your income, the more loans will continue to be large. On the other hand, this method helps banks to minimize the risk of bad credit or default. As a result, banks have a good turnover of money, and do not feel disadvantaged because of loans submitted by debtors.

Determine A Clear Goal

When borrowing from a bank, make sure you have a clear purpose. For example, make a business capital payment, make sure to make a clear and slick business proposal. Also make sure that the plan to use these funds is clear and reasonable so that the bank trusts him.

Borrowing According To Payability

Remember, when borrowing money, make sure you understand how to repay the installments later.

Jangan sampai terbuai besar uang yang bakal dipinjakan, tetapi tidak memikirkan dengan matang cara membayarnya kembali.

Have A Good Credit Score

Saat sebelum membagikan pinjaman, lembaga keuangan, seperti bank umumnya melaksanakan penelusuran akan profil risiko dari calon debitur atau kamu selaku peminjamnya.

Well, one of these can be through credit scores. A credit score is a credit eligibility measure that a person will do.

This is in the form of a numerical figure that is calculated algorithmically based on the information contained in the credit report. Usually, this score can be used as a reference to ascertain whether the loan application is suitable for approval or may be rejected.

Generally, the value of credit scores ranges from 250 to 900. If the credit score continues to be high, then the lower the risk level for the person. That is, you already have the ability to pay your obligations.

If you have a good credit score, at least this has gained the trust of financial institutions such as banks. So, tips for loans at ac bank are to discuss aspects related to credit scores.

Then, what is the method of improving your credit score? Here are the simple tips:

Use Credit Card

Initially, take advantage of credit cards well. This is a loan that is quite useful for urgent needs when you are obliged to buy certain objects.

If you want to have a good credit history, then you need to show or convince that you have a credit transaction first. The trick, you can start building credit history from a very simple way, such as applying for a credit card application.

However, you are required to impose a credit card wisely according to your needs. Not only that, make sure to make timely payments so that credit scores are always maintained.

If you have credit data and credit payments consistently through the use of credit cards, then this credit score can also be calculated so that the risk profile can start to build.

Make Sure Limiting Loans Don't Exceed 30 Percent Total Income Remember, income is not limited to income.

If you work part-time, sell, or have income that can be said to be consistent, then the total is income.

However, if the tip for loans at bank access is to block this loan so that it doesn't have more than 30 percent of the total monthly income.

The credit score has the potential to be low, if the total loan has reached 30 percent or more of the total income. Generally, the bank will expect you as potential debtors who are at risk of experiencing bad credit and are less responsible.

Therefore, it should first complete the existing installments or loans before applying for a new loan.

Pay Bills On Time

The guide for loans at the next acc bank is to ensure that every credit previously made, you always pay the bill on time.

This can also be said as the main key to increasing credit scores. Paying bills that are not on time has negative on credit scores. So that later you don't forget to pay bills just in time, take advantage of the automatic payment feature or use calendar reminders.

Keep Unused Credit Cards

Global customers' credit appraisers generally allow credit cards that are not used to always be active.

However, make sure the card is not a burden on annual payments. This step can be a smart strategy to protect credit scores.

Because, when closing a credit card account, this can increase the ratio of credit usage. If you have the same amount but have fewer active accounts, you can reduce credit scores.

To find out a history of people's credit, you can apply a check on the Financial Information Service System or SLIK managed by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

Before there was a SLIK, the debtor's information was generally managed by Bank Indonesia through BI Checking.

BI Checking is a report previously issued by Bank Indonesia which usually contains a history of credit/loan from a customer to a bank or non-bank institution. BI Checking can also see the problem of the smooth loan of a customer.

So after knowing that the key to applying for a loan was approved by the bank, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!