Coordinating Minister For Political, Legal And Security Affairs Asks Jokowi To Reject Revision Of The Constitutional Court Law, Stafsus: Open President Input On Legal Reform

JAKARTA - The President's Special Staff Coordinator (Staffsus), Ari Dwipayana, said that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is always open to receiving input from various parties regarding legal reform.

This was conveyed by Ari in response to the statement by the Legal Reform Acceleration Team formed by the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Polhukam), which asked President Joko Widodo to refuse to approve the discussion on the revision of the Constitutional Court Law.

"The president is always open to receiving input from various parties regarding legal reform. Even the President has received direct input from the Legal Reform Team formed by the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs on September 14, 2023 at the Bogor Palace," Ari said in a short message in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 6, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said the public needed to know that the revision of the fourth Constitutional Court Law was an initiative from the DPR. For this reason, he said, the President had appointed the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs and the Minister of Law and Human Rights as representatives of the government in discussions in the DPR.

"Regarding the dynamics of discussing the Constitutional Court Bill, please ask the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs and the Minister of Law and Human Rights," he explained.

Previously, the Legal Reform Acceleration Team formed by the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs asked the President to refuse to approve the discussion on the revision of the Constitutional Court Law.

Tim menyoroti soal aturan batas usia Hakim MK yang menyebutkan hakim yang telah menduduki jabatan lebih dari 5 tahun dan kurang dari 10 tahun harus mendapatkan konfirmasi dari lembaga pengusul jika ingin melanjutkan jabatan hingga 10 tahun.

The Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, revealed that nine factions in the DPR agreed to postpone the ratification of the results of the revision of the Law on the Constitutional Court at a plenary meeting in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 5.

"Nine factions have expressed their agreement, not to discuss it at the plenary session today. Because there really needs to be an equal attitude and equality of perception, from both parties to be able to equalize this," said Puan.