1,734 North Kalimantan Provincial Government ASN Follow Competency Mapping

TANJUNG SELOR - A total of 1,734 State Civil Apparatus (ASN) within the scope of the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of North Kalimantan (Kaltara), followed the assessment of potential and competence with the Computer Assisted Competency Test (CACT) method of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) phase II. The implementation was held for the next 5 days.

Head of the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) of Kaltara, Andi Amriampa, revealed that the examination was divided into two sessions a day in two locations, namely the CAT BKD Laboratory on durian roads and the State SMA 1 Tanjung Selor Computer Laboratory.

"The number of participants is divided into each session, so far the examination has run smoothly without any problems," he said, Tuesday, December 5.

He hopes that this activity can map ASN according to its potential and competence. In addition, the assessment of potential and competence with the Computer Assisted Competency Test of the State Civil Service Agency (CACT-BKN) is the result of the implementation of the merit system.

"The goal is to realize superior ASN human resources. As we all know, the central government has launched a merit system-based ASN management by prioritizing talent management as a priority activity," he explained.

The merit system is a government managed by people who are selected based on their abilities or skills, namely qualifications, competence, and the quality of the performance of each employee.

"One method that can be used to implement a merit system in government agencies that is in line with the development of human resource management is the construction of talent pools/talent management," he concluded.