Important Points Of The 2012 Yogyakarta Specialty Law, Regulating Culture And Funding

YOGYAKARTA - Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X responded to Ade Armando's statement insinuating dynastic politics in Yogyakarta. The governor of Yogyakarta emphasized that the privilege of his area is protected by the constitution. with the Privileges Act. So the important point of the Yogyakarta Privileges Law?

Previously, Ade Armando said that the DIY government practiced dynastic politics. The statement from the PSI politician was also highlighted by netizens, especially the citizens of Jogja. Sri Sultan said he was free to comment on the origin of the DIY tradition.

The DIY privilege has been recognized by law based on origins and history. Comments are okay, only my opinion, the transitional constitution is in article 18 (UUD 1945), which concerns the Indonesian government's issue. It respects the origin of the DIY tradition," said Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X on Monday (04/12) in front of the Kepatihan Complex, Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta has been officially designated as a Special Region since August 15, 1950, in accordance with Law Number 3 of 1950 concerning the Establishment of Special Regions. This status is strengthened by Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning the Privileges of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). The important point of the Yogyakarta Privileges Law is also interesting to watch.

The Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) is a province that has a special status or special autonomy. The peculiarities of Yogyakarta have been regulated in law based on origin and history.

The following are four important points of the Yogyakarta Specialty Law that need to be understood:

The election of regional heads in DIY is not like other regions in Indonesia which are carried out democratically through the election of governors. UUK DIY Chapter VI Article 18 paragraph 1 letter c, regulates the position of governor to be filled by those who serve as Sultan Hamengku Buwono and deputy governor served by Adipati Paku Alam.

In Article 18 paragraph 2 letter b, it is stated that the candidate for governor and deputy must show a letter of inauguration stating that Sultan Hamengku Buwono has the throne in the Sultanate and a letter of inauguration stating that Adipati Paku Alam has the throne in Kadipaten.

Article 18 paragraph 1 letter n states that candidates for governors and deputy governors should not be joined by any political party. Article 26 paragraph 3, stipulates that the Governor and Deputy Governor are not bound by the provisions of two terms of office as stipulated in the Law on regional governance.

DIY as an autonomous region has the authority in matters of Privileges, including procedures for filling the positions of Governor and Deputy Governor, DIY Regional Government institutions, culture, land, and spatial planning, as stated in Article 7 paragraph (2) of UUK DIY.

Article 31 paragraph (1) states that culture is held to maintain and develop the results of copyright, taste, karsa, and works in the form of values, knowledge, norms, customs, objects, arts, and noble traditions rooted in the DIY community.

Kundha Kabudayan (DINAs Kebudayan) DIY Regional Government initiated various cultural activities by utilizing privileged funds. Cultural activities that have been realized are the Yogyakarta Art Festival, the improvement of cultural heritage buildings, and most recently the construction of the Kiskendo Goa amphitheater in Kulon Progo.

Article 32 paragraph (1) and paragraph (4) states that the Sultanate and Kadipaten are declared as legal entities with property rights to prebond and non-prabon land in all regencies/cities within the DIY area.

Tanah keprabon adalah tanah yang digunakan untuk bangunan keraton dan sila untuk upacara adat serta kelebisnya. Sementara tanah bukan keprabon adalah tanah kasultan dan kadipaten yang belum ter bound atas hak.

The land can be utilized by the community or institutions through the rights given from the sultanate and the kadipaten in the form of fishing. Land is not pre-bonded, it can be released for public purposes such as government offices, roads, educational facilities, and hospitals.

As a legal entity, the Sultanate and Kadipaten have the authority to manage and utilize the land. However, the purpose of utilizing and managing land must be in accordance with Article 32 paragraph 5, namely for the greatest development of culture, social interests, and community welfare.

Article 41 and Article 42 of the DIY Regulate the provision of Special Funds (DANAis) which are used for the implementation of Special Affairs of DIY. In Article 42 paragraph (1), sources of funds are taken from the APBN.

The Special Funds are intended for and managed by the DIY Regional Government, which allocates and distributes through a transfer mechanism to the regions. Article 42 paragraph (5) states that the Governor's reporting of the implementation of DIY Special Activities is carried out by the Governor to the Government through the Minister at the end of every fiscal year.

Such is important information on the Yogyakarta Specialty Law that needs to be understood. Yogyakarta's privileged status has been recognized in law based on its historical origins.

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