Audit Expert Says PT AMG Diverts East Lombok Iron Sand IUPs To Chinese Citizens

JAKARTA - Limited Company Anugrah Mitra Graha (PT AMG) has revealed that it has transferred an iron sand mining business permit (IUP) to the Dedalpak block in East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, to a Chinese resident named Deng Yaohong.The transfer of IUP rights without the approval of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) or the Governor of NTB was revealed in the examination of Dicky Prasetyo Adi as an audit expert in calculating state financial losses (PKKN) of the NTB Representative Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP)."So, from the results of this clarification, PT AMG through the director Po Suwandi gave the right of IUP to another party, namely Deng Yaohong, a citizen from China," said Dicky in a trial with the defendants Po Suwandi and Rinus Adam Wakum at the Corruption Court, Mataram, Antara, Monday, December 4.Dicky conveyed this in accordance with the results of the clarification of the defendant Rinus Adam Wakum in the PKKN audit process on February 2, 2023. To the audit team, he said, Rinus admitted that the agreement on the transfer of the right to manage the iron sand mine on the Dedalpak block took place on September 6, 2021."Po Suwandi as Director of PT AMG as the first party to only receive royalties and Deng Yaohong as the second party who has the right to carry out mining in the Dedalpak block. Everything is taken care of by Rinus," he said.Dicky continued that when Rinus gave additional information on May 11, 2023, he stated that the management of the PT AMG mine on the Dedalpak block by Deng Yaohong had already started the agreement contract.Hal tersebut, kata dia sudah berjalan sejak 2020. Namun, kontrak kesepakatan dibuat tertulis pada tahun 2021. Rinus mengakui uang hasil penjualan produk tambang yang berada di bawah kekelola Deng Yaohong itu masuk ke rekening miliknya."We have checked it through Rinus' BCA bank account. In the 2021 and 2022 periods there were around Rp. 40.3 billion in cash that came from the value of the sale. What was transferred to the Deng Yaohong rekeninv was Rp. 10 billion," he said.Regarding the emergence of the involvement of Chinese citizens, Dicky admitted that he had not had time to ask for clarification from the person concerned.With the transfer of IUP rights, Dicky revealed that PT AMG had violated the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2020 concerning Procedures for Providing Regions, Licensing, and Reporting on Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities."The provisions regarding the prohibition on the transfer of IUP without the minister's approval are stated in Article 66 letter k," he said.Article 66 letter k of the Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 7 of 2020 states that IUP holders or special mining business permits (IUPK) are prohibited from transferring their IUP or IUPK to other parties without the approval of the minister or governor in accordance with their authority."This rule is also one of our reviews in determining the PKKN audit," said Dicky.
From the results of the PKKN audit, BPKP NTB released state losses from iron sand mining activities without the approval of the planned activity and budget (RKAB) from the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources amounting to Rp36.4 billion.This figure arises from the sale value of iron sand after deducting the cost of transportation from the mine site to the port and loading and unloading fees at the port.