The National Police Proposes That Kadensus 88 Inspector General Martinus Hukom Replace The Head Of BNN Who Will Retire

JAKARTA - The National Police have proposed Inspector General Martinus Hukom to replace Komjen Petrus. R. Golose as Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of the Republic of Indonesia who is entering retirement or retirement.Inspector General Martinus Hukom in the Bhyangkara Corps structure is known to serve as Kadensus 88 Anti-terror Police."Yes, that's right (Inspector General Martinus Hukom is proposed to replace Komjen Petrus. R. Golose). It has been proposed," said As HR Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to VOI, Monday, December 4.However, regarding the appointment of Inspector General Martinus Hukom as Head of BNN, it is said that he is still waiting for a Presidential Decree (Keppres)."Waiting for Keppers first (about the appointment)," said Dedi.Komjen Petrus R. Golose is known to enter retirement on November 27, 2023. Because he is 58 years old this year.The retirement period of a member of the police has indeed been regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 1 of 2003 concerning the Dismissal of State Police Members of the Republic of Indonesia.
As stipulated in the regulation, the maximum limit for a member of the National Police is at the age of 58 years. This is regulated in Article 3 paragraph (2).Still in the article in paragraph (3) regulates that a retired person is given the opportunity for one year to prepare for retirement.