Discharged By Jokowi, Dr. Terawan Even Made A Personal Vaccine

JAKARTA - Doctor Terawan Agus Putranto was removed by President Joko Widodo from his post of minister of health and replaced by Budi Gunadi Sadikin.

Now Dr. Terawan is busy with the Nusantara vaccine for Covid-19. The vaccine was developed by Doctor Terawan Agus Putranto since he was still the minister of health.

Terawan said that the results of the clinical trial of the Indonesian vaccine went well. In fact, the vaccine is claimed to be personal and can be used by all groups, including those with comorbidities.

"Of course, the generalized concept has to be changed to the concept of personality individual vaccination", said Terawan, quoted from Kompas TV, Wednesday, February 17.

In the process of making this Indonesian vaccine, said Terawan, it must go through an incubation process for approximately 7 days. Until later it will become an individual or personal vaccine.

"The point is that every time we have a dendritic cell, we only need to introduce the Covid-19 antigen so that it will have a memory dendritic cell against Covid-19", he said.

In fact, the Nusantara vaccine is also claimed to provide immunity for a long time. Because this vaccine uses blood serum materials from each individual.

"The nature of cellular immunity will certainly last a long time because the level is in the cells, not humoral immunity but cellular", he said.

Furthermore, the manufacture of this vaccine is in collaboration with several parties. With the hope that this vaccine will be able to overcome the spread of COVID-19.

"So, together with friends from Aivita Biomedical Corporation from the United States as well as Diponegoro University and Kariadi Semarang Hospital, work hand in hand to create dendritic cell-based vaccines", he said.

Doctor Terawan hopes that Nusantara Vaccine can be mass-produced if it passes clinical trials at all stages. Until obtaining permission from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

Doctor Terawan targets that up to 10 million doses of the Nusantara vaccine can be produced every month.

"In the future, the mass production can reach 10 million per month. And it is estimated that it will make the vaccine independent", he explained.