Residents With A Radius Of 3 Kilometers From Mount Marapi Asked To Leave The Region

Agam Regent of West Sumatra, Andri Warman, appealed to residents to vacate the area around Mount Marapi with a radius of three kilometers from the summit after the eruption mountain on Sunday afternoon."Let's empty a radius of three kilometers from the top of Mount Marapi to anticipate things that are not desirable," he said in Lubuk Basung, Agam Regency, quoted from Antara, Monday, December 4.He said the public was also asked to reduce the activity of climbing or tourism of Mount Merapi or activities outside the home. If it is urgent to leave the house, don't forget to wear a head shield and mask."Don't panic and stay alert to the mountain disaster," he said.He added that the sub-districts closest to the mountain are Sungai Pua, Canduang, Banuhampu and Baso sub-districts. However, there are several jorongs (villages) that are quite close to the mountain and the public has increased their vigilance.Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday afternoon and caused dust and stone rain in several sub-districts in Agam Regency.When the mountain erupted, there were 75 climbers at the top, 48 people had dropped and 27 people were still above.
"We set up a post for climbers in Batu Palano," he said.