Maluku Prosecutor's Office Calls Allegations Of COVID-19 Budget Corruption Still Investigating

Maluku Prosecutor's Office Investigation Head Ye Oceng Almahdaly said that the handling of cases of alleged corruption in the COVID-19 budget and the reforestation budget of the local provincial Dishut is still under investigation by the Maluku Attorney General's Office."To uncover these two cases, all parties suspected of having a connection will certainly be summoned for questioning," said Ye Oceng in Ambon, Antara, Monday, December 4.Ye Oceng's explanation was related to the Maluku Anti-Corruption Student Alliance demonstration at the Attorney General's Office which linked the name of the Maluku Regional Secretary.The student action led by Zulfikar Sosal asked the prosecutor's office in terms of handling allegations of misuse of the COVID-19 budget and a reforestation project, to enforce the law properly and not indiscriminately, to be transparent in providing information to the public.They also expressed their support for the Maluku Prosecutor's Office to resolve various problems of alleged corruption that occurred in this area."To reveal these two cases, all parties involved will be questioned by the investigating prosecutor, including the Maluku Regional Secretary if the information is needed as evidence," explained Ye Oceng.The handling of these two cases is carried out professionally and according to the SOP and if there is sufficient evidence, of course it will be increased to the next stage."On the other hand, if there is not enough evidence, the investigation process will be stopped," he said.
The Maluku Attorney General's Office expressed its appreciation and gratitude to the protesters who carried out their actions safely, peacefully and orderly, and the demonstration was a form of community control function for the work/performance of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs.