Head Of BNPB Visits Doni Monardo Funeral Home In South Tangerang

JAKARTA - Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Lt. Gen. Suharyanto visited the funeral home of Lt. Gen. Retired Doni Monardo in North Serpong District, South Tangerang, Sunday night, December 3.

According to VOI monitoring, Suharyanto, who wore a skullcap and all black clothes, arrived at the funeral home at around 21.58 WIB.

He shook hands with a number of other mourners after entering the fence of the funeral home which was also seen by TNI personnel in striped uniforms and a number of people wearing BNPB logos.

In the funeral home yard, there were also a number of personnel in the uniform of the TNI AD Special Forces Command (Kopasus) lined up waiting for Doni Monardo's body from Siloam Semanggi Hospital, Jakarta since 21.36 WIB earlier.

Doni Monardo is known to have served as Head of BNPB from the 2019-2021 period. During his career at BNPB, he was the first to form a Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 during the pandemic, which was the Task Force for Handling COVID-19.

Before leading BNPB, Doni also served as Secretary General of the National Resilience Council for the 2018-2019 period, Military Regional Commander III/Siliwangi for the 2017-2018 period, Military Regional Commander XVI/Pattimura for the 2015'2017 period.

Doni also held the position of Commander General of the 2014'2015 Special Forces Command, as well as Commander of the Presidential Security Forces for the 2012'2014.