The Impact Of The Eruption Of Mount Marapi West Sumatra, The Dark Atmosphere And Pekat Occurred In Nagari Lasi

JAKARTA - The eruption of Mount Marapi in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) has an impact on the situation in Nagari Lasi, Canduang District, Agam Regency, Sunday, December 3.

The Central Team for Control and Operations (Pusdalops) of the Agam Regency BPBD, Ade Setiawan, said that the eruption of the ash column containing volcanic material of Mount Marapi made the atmosphere of Nagari Lasi very thick and dark.

"The rain of ash is quite thick and dark in Nagari Lasi, Canduang. Now it has stopped," said Ade in his statement, Sunday, December 3.

Ade explained that the mountain in the administrative area of Agam and Tanah Datar Regencies spewed ash up to 3,000 meters from the top of the crater accompanied by a rumbling sound on Sunday, December 3 at around 14:54 WIB.

Therefore, Ade said that the Agam Regency BPBD had immediately returned to the area closest to the summit, namely Sungai Pua District and Canduang District.

he said that his party together with PMI immediately distributed masks to the public.

In addition, Ade also appealed to the public not to leave the house first given the high intensity of volcanic ash rain and can have an impact on health.

"People have been divided into masks and reminded to stay at home," said Ade.

On the other hand, the Agam Regency BPBD Team together with PMI continued to comb through Sungai Pua and Canduang sub-districts. As a result, there has been no laloran or impact from this natural disaster.

"There have been no reports of the impact of casualties or material losses and community activities that have not been disrupted," he concluded.