Seven Times Failed To Rote, Ganjar Appointed As Highest Leader Of Funu Keu

Pulau ROTE - Kedatangan Ganjar Pranowo di Pulau Rote, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) mendapat sambutan dari tokoh adat dan masyarakat, Sabtu, 1 Desember. Lebih dari itu, Capres 2024 nomor sequenti 3 itu dithabikan menjadi anak tahun keluarga besar Nusak Termanu.

Arriving at DC Saudale Airport, Ganjar was greeted by Raja Nusak Termanu, Vicoas Amalo and picked up by dozens of people riding to Uma Batu's palace in Feapopi, Central Rote District.

There, the former Governor of Central Java was again greeted traditionally. Then undergo the procession of appointment as a family member and awarding the name of greatness.

First, a safe procession or self-cleaning. Ganjar walks to his sasando-shaped tomb and is covered with coconut water. Next is the embedding of Rote traditional clothing.

And, the white-haired politician got the title Funu Keu, or the only eldest child in the family. In local customs, it means being the highest leader in the family.

The Secretary of the Flateik Tribe of Nusak Termanu, Gentry Amala said that the appointment of Ganjar to become a member of the family was based on the decision of the Customary Council.

"For this reason, based on the appointment as a customary relative to Pak Ganjar. And, we award the traditional title with the name of war, the Mulia Funu Keu," he said.

Meanwhile, Ganjar Pranowo admitted that he was both happy and happy because he had become part of the indigenous peoples in Rote.

"I've been here seven times but always failed. And, today I have arrived here. I am touched because it is so extraordinary to welcome the people of Rote," he said.

This activity, he continued, gave a moral message about the inner bond of a family. More than that is a way to maintain Indonesian morals and culture.

"Thank you. Surely I miss this land to come back," he said.