Targeting IDR 10 Trillion Investment, OIKN Immediately Groundbreaking The Third Stage At IKN

The Capital Archipelago Authority (OIKN) targets the value of private investment to reach Rp. 10 trillion in the laying of the third phase of the first stone or groundbreaking at IKN.

"We want another groundbreaking, maybe another IDR 10 trillion target from the project that will groundbreaking," said Deputy for Funding and Investment at OIKN Agung Wicaksono when met on the sidelines of the Roadshow Investment Opportunities IKN, quoted on Saturday, December 2.

Agung said that investors who conduct the third phase of groundbreaking at IKN still come from domestic investors.

"Yes, still (investors) from within the country, and the same as investors who carried out previous groundbreakings. Domestic investors have foreign investor partners," he said.

One example is Pakuwon, who partnered with international hotel brand Marriott, conducting groundbreaking for the construction of hotels in IKN.

"Indeed, foreign investors have entered along with domestic investors," said Agung.

Regarding the third groundbreaking schedule, Agung said this was still being coordinated with related parties and adjusted to the schedule of Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

"This is the president going to Dubai. God willing, after he returns, hopefully there will be certainty on the groundbreaking schedule," he said.

The total investment value from the private sector has reached Rp35 trillion to date. Agung assessed that currently the portion of investment from the private sector and the state budget is already equal in magnitude to IKN project funding.

"Earlier, it was stated that the state budget funds were Rp35 trillion, I would like to report that as of today the investment value that has been committed by various private investors has reached Rp35 trillion," he said.

He added that this is a real collaboration between the government and the private sector to realize the development of IKN until 2045.

"Later, there must be more from the private sector, but until this stage it is the same Rp35 trillion," he added.