Walkot Eri Cahyadi Urges Police To Completely Investigate Labor Cases Kicking Surabaya Satpol PP Officers

Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi paid serious attention to the case of abuse that befell two Satpol PP officers. This incident occurred when two officers with the initials AM and TA were conducting pedestrian supervision on Jalan Ahmad Yani Surabaya, Thursday, November 30.

"Reports to the police have been reported, and I also conveyed to the Chief of Police, I ask (the alleged abuse of Satpol PP officers) to be of concern and thoroughly investigated," said Eri in Surabaya, Friday, December 1.

Eri explained that the alleged abuse occurred when two Surabaya Satpol PP officers wanted to help residents pass. The reason is, at that time, Ahmad Yani's frontage road towards entering the city was closed by labor demonstrations.

"At that time there were many people who could not pass, so the community passed the pedestrian. So that our Satpol PP asked for permission, opened a moment for (citizens) to pass, but when it was opened that this problem occurred," he explained.

Therefore, Eri regretted the alleged abuse incident that happened to two Surabaya Satpol PP officers. In fact, he said, so far the city of Surabaya has been built in a harmonious and mutual cooperation manner.

"This (perpetrator) is being chased by the police, because the person has been caught, his face has been caught, and I have asked the Chief of Police for attention. How, the perpetrator must be arrested, because this (is) a bad precedent for the city of Surabaya," he said.

According to him, so far the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) has provided examples of harmonious and mutual cooperation to residents. However, this was actually injured by incidents of alleged abuse by unscrupulous workers during a demonstration in Surabaya.

"Because we set an example for the good community, suddenly something like this exists. And it turns out that (the suspect) is also from outside Surabaya. Therefore, I ask for this attention so that it doesn't happen again in the city of Surabaya," he explained.

Eri did not question the workers holding demonstrations in Surabaya. However, please convey the demonstration in a polite manner and do not disturb public order and comfort.

"Actually, please demo, but use a polite method. Don't act like that. I always teach Khoirunnas Anfauhum Linnas (It's best for humans to be the most beneficial for humans). Now, I ask for this to continue to pursue until (the perpetrator) is caught," he said.

Separately, the President Director of the Soewandhie Hospital in Surabaya, Dr. Billy Daniel Messakh, said that the two Satpol PP officers were still undergoing treatment at Dr. Soewandhie Hospital.

"Currently we are still handling the two Satpol PP officers. It is planned that they will go home today," said Billy.

From the results of the examination, Billy said, the victim with the initials TA suffered a fracture in the right side of the bone. This is allegedly because the victim was trampled on by the demonstrators.

"The other victim, with the initials AM, was hit in the chest near the direction of the lungs. It had muscle bruises all the way inside," he concluded.