Kapolda Ensures Papua's Situation Is Conducive Despite 2 KKB Terrors Last Week

PAPUA - Papuan Police ensures that the security and public order situation in Papua Province is safe and conducive.

"The latest situation is in accordance with the kamtibmas calendar in the jurisdiction of the Papua Police, which is safe and conducive," said Papua Police Chief Inspector General Pol Mathius Fakhiri in Jayapura, Friday, December 1, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the security and security situation in Papua is currently conducive compared to last week with disturbances from armed criminal groups (KKB).

"Indeed, last week there were two incidents but it was not widespread, the first was in Mimika and the second was in Puncak Regency," he said.

He explained that his party had asked the police chiefs not to respond so that the same incident would not be repeated which caused casualties, both from the security forces and the community.

He added that his party hopes that in the future groups that are at odds with the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia can stop actions that can cause chaos in the Land of Papua but focus on development.

"Currently we are in the 2024 election campaign stage, so it is hoped that all Papuan people will focus on choosing and making choices," he said.

He said his party appealed to residents in the area not to be influenced by calls to take actions that could harm themselves and the wider community.