There Are 1,479 Corruption Cases, OJK Values The Importance Of Integrity Enforcement In Indonesia

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Audit Board of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Sophia Wattimena assessed that enforcement of integrity in Indonesia still needs special attention based on data from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) website, there are 1,479 corruption cases from 2004 to November 2023.

"From 2004 to November 2023, we can see from 1,479 cases, which are dominated by bribery by more than 65 percent," Sophia said at the Risk and Governance Summit 2023, Thursday, November 30.

Furthermore, cases of procurement of goods and services amounted to 22.36 percent, money laundering cases around 3.99 percent, cases of budget misuse of 3.85 percent, extortion cases of around 1.89 percent, licensing cases of 1.69 percent and cases of obstruction of investigation of 0.88 percent.

According to Sophia, in line with this data, Indonesia's corruption perception index has also decreased.

"So, in 2023 the score is 34, we have dropped from 2021 and 2022 and our ranking has also dropped to the ASEAN level and of course this requires our mutual attention and needs to collaborate with all relevant parties to improve this," he explained.

It is known, based on data from Transparency International Indonesia, the score of the corruption perception index in Indonesia in 2023 will occupy the number 34.

Whereas in 2021 it was recorded at 39.

In this index, the indicator is that the closer the number 0 is, the higher the corruption cases in the country.

Thus, the 100 score shows that the country is free from corruption.

Sophia said that in one of the studies published in 2020 by Mrs. Rahayu Ningsih suharyadi and Hadi, the psychological factors affecting integrity violations were low religiosity, low moral values and integrity, external motivation or high power, a luxurious hedonis lifestyle and low happiness.

"This indicates that moral and ethical values are still a major challenge in our beloved country and especially also the financial services industry," he said.