Here's How To Clean Kerak In Car Engines, Without The Need For Workshops

YOGYAKARTA - A warped car engine is one of the problems that four-wheeled vehicle owners often complain about. If this condition is neglected or neglected for a long time then it can cause damage to the engine. So how to clean the crust on the car engine?

Kerak on the car engine can appear due to exposure to dirt or used gluing oil. In addition to causing damage, the accumulation of residuals also causes the engine to heat up quickly and interfere with the performance of other components. In order for the vehicle's performance to remain optimal, car owners need to carry out routine maintenance of their engine.

Car owners can handle the car engine crust independently at home. There are several ways to clean the crust on the car engine that you can apply.

Not a few car owners ignore the condition and cleanliness of their car engine so they don't realize it's running. Before this condition damaged the engine and interfered with other components, here are tips or how to clean the engine crust that you can do.

When you are going to clean the crust of the car engine, you need to prepare all the equipment needed. There are a number of equipment used to assist the cleaning process, such as sponges, microfiber fabrics, brushes or brushes, hoses and clean water, sitrun, buckets.

In addition, you must also prepare some special cleaning fluids to deal with stubborn crusts on the car engine. The cleaners you will use include engine conditioners, engine fights, car-specific soaps, and others.

Before starting to clean the engine crust, you should first heat the car for about 15 minutes. This step aims to facilitate the process of cleaning the crust attached to the engine.

After being heated, don't immediately clean it, but turn the engine on for 30-45 minutes. Wait until the engine cools again first to prevent exposure to heat or electric current while cleaning.

Next you can start cleaning the car's engine by sweeping the dirt or dust from the engine's surface. You can use a brush or brush to get rid of dust and light dirt. Then use a lap to clean the dust that slips between the engines.

For the sake of security when cleaning the engine, you need to remove the battery of the car. This step aims to cut off the electricity so that there is no short circuit or electric circuit. Because at this stage the cleaning of the engine will use water. This method also helps you legi easily clean the engine down to the bottom of the battery storage which is often a nest of dirt.

Clean the crust that accumulates at the bottom of the machine using tools such as brushes, spons, or water sprays if necessary. Make sure you use a soft textured tool so as not to cause damage to the engine. Do not let the crust cleaning process actually damage the outside of the machine.

If the entire crust has been cleaned, then wash the car engine thoroughly. This step is taken to help remove the remains of the oil that is still stuck at the bottom of the engine. Make sure you use cold water to clean the car engine.

After cleaning and washing the machine, then put the new oil in the car engine. A new lubricant is needed to lubricate the parts of the machine and help protect the engine from corrosion. Make sure you choose the oil and lubricant that suits your car's engine needs.

Do regular or regular oil replacement in order to maintain the performance of your car engine. In addition to keeping the car engine in good condition, regular oil replacement also functions to prolong the engine life.

Those are some ways to clean the crust on the car engine that you can do yourself at home. Caring for the car engine regularly not only prevents damage, but also benefits in extending the life of your vehicle engine.

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