Land Dispute At SDN Kuranji, DPRD Asks The Serang City Government To Take Action

BANTEN - The Serang City DPRD asked the Serang City Government (Pemkot) to immediately take firm action to resolve the land dispute between SDN Kuranji.

The chairman of the Serang City DPRD, Budi Rustandi, said that the Serang City Government must have the courage to take firm action by taking legal action, if there is a land dispute at SDN Kuranji. "The government cannot do this like this, the dispute is just verbal. But it must be based on facts, evidence, and court decisions, to make it clearer," he said in Serang, Banten, Wednesday, November 29, confiscated by Antara. He also suggested that the Serang City Government should coordinate with the police to resolve the Kuranji SDN land dispute. Budi admitted that he did not agree that SDN Kuranji was fenced up by the heirs, while the Serang City Government until now seemed to let SDN Kuranji be fenced up for four months. "I ask the government to immediately coordinate with the police to secure state assets, because before that there was a court decision, it was still a state asset," he said.

Budi menegaskan, Pemkot Serang juga seharusnya tidak lepas tangan dalam kasus sengketa lahan SDN Kuranji ini."Dindik, satpol PP, sekda, asda I, itu harus bersama-sama. Kan tentunya ketegasan dari pemerintah daerahnya.," tegasnya.Budi mengatakan, bila memang terbukti lahan SDN Kuranji tersebut merupakan milik ahli waris, maka Pemkot Serang harus membeli lahan tersebut sesuai dengan keputusan pengadilan nanti.