Love To Buy Used Clothes, Ira Wibowo Admits He Was Never Embarrassed

JAKARTA - Actress Ira Wibowo on one occasion said that she has a passion for buying used clothes or better known as trifthing.

Ira Wibowo's habits are not only done in Indonesia, when on vacation abroad, Ira also does not hesitate to buy used clothes there.

"I usually go public when I'm abroad, I like to look around, the goods are unique and here are also good," said Ira Wibowo in the SCBD area, Sudirman, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, November 29.

Even though she has the status of actress Ira Wibowo admits that she does not feel ashamed to wear used clothes. Because according to him, buying used clothes has a good impact on the environment as well.

"Not really. If I'm an indifferent person. If I'm a very relaxed person, if it's really good, why not? One for a better environment, these two are noble goals, right," said Ira Wibowo.

Even Ari Wibowo's older brother likes to wear the used clothes he hunted while filming. Therefore, he often buy clothes that are suitable for the characters he played while filming.

"Wow, this is a good opportunity, who knows if you can get a good shirt for filming or what to do," he concluded.