What Is Yield Or Imbal Results, How To Calculate, To Types

YOGYAKARTA Share Investors are advised to know what yield is. The term is often used to describe the profits or returns obtained by investors. When investors get a certain period of investment, the yield will be accepted.

In order to understand the meaning of yield, this article will discuss understanding, how to calculate, types, to examples.

On the dyctionary cambridge site, the term yield is associated as a positive income, one of which is in the form of profit.

In the business world, especially investment, yield is income received from investment returns per certain period. It should be noted that in the world the investment term yield is more inclined to the profits received or the return of shares to its holders.

Yield obtained is usually calculated monthly or quarterly, but usually the yield calculation is done on an annual basis and is stated in the form of a percentage.

Usually stock investors will also measure the yield of an investment instrument before they decide to buy the instrument or not. The higher the yield of an investment, the greater the profit that investors get.

In general, to calculate yields, you can use a simple formula as follows.

Yield = Imbal Results / Basic Value x 100 Percent

For example, in the case of calculating yields, you place money in A's stock instrument. As long as you own these shares you benefit from two roads, namely from the increase in shares and from the dividends distributed by the company.

The profit obtained from the increase in A's shares from Rp. 2000 per share to Rp. 2200 per share. Meanwhile, the dividend gain earned per year is Rp. 20 per share. With this advantage, the yield calculation is as follows.


If presented, the yield obtained by investors is 0.11 x 100, which is 11 percent.

Yield has various types that can be used as one of the considerations of investors before placing their funds. The type of yield is as follows.

Current yield is a term referring to profits received on time in bond instruments. Current yield formula is Current yield = (bond value X % annual growth)/current stock price X 100 percent.

Yield dividend is a large percentage of the value of dividend gain or profit sharing at a price per share. The dividend yield formula = (State Bonds / Benefits Per Share Sheet)X100 percent.

Yield to maturity is the result received by investors from the first to a certain tenor period. The yield to maturity formula is Yield to Maturity = [Return+ (Final Bonds Now-Field Bond Value)/Tenor Bonds]/[(Last Bond Value + Bond Value Now)/2 X100 per sheet.

This type compares the value of the bonds at most with the current value of the oblication or until the period of the tenor ends. The yield to call formula is Yield to call =[ Return+ (Final Bonds Now-Final Bond Value)/Tenor Sampai Calling Shares]/[(Last Bond Value + Bond Value Now)/2]X100 percent.

That's information related to yield. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.