APMI's Statement Regarding Music Events During The Election Period

JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Music Promoters (APMI) informed about the music concert which will take place during the general election period (election).

Dino Hamid as the Chair of APMI, through an Instagram Story upload stated that a large-scale music event would not be held in a quiet week and the election vote calculation period.

"The big event is expected not to be held in the quiet week and the calculation period during the voting period, mid-February and June," said Dino Hamid, Tuesday, November 28.

"The rest, please work according to the procedure," he continued.

Meanwhile, the announcement was made after APMi held discussions with the ranks of the Directorate of Intelligence and Security (Dirintelkam) of the Metro Jaya Police on Monday, November 27.

"The gathering with Dirintelkam Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hirbak Wahyu Setiawan SIK SH," wrote APMI's official Instagram account.

"Discussions regarding the implementation of events during the election," wrote APMI in another upload.

Meanwhile, APMI is an association consisting of music promoters in Indonesia.

This association was formed on October 28, 2020. At that time, the Covid-19 pandemic had a major impact on organizing events, especially music events.

So far, several major music events have announced an organizing date that coincides with the election campaign period in 2024, including the JogjaROCKarta Festival on January 27, the Ed Sheeran concert in Jakarta on March 2, and the Java Jazz Festival 2024 on May 24-26.