Residents Of Kayu Putih Police Regarding RTH Damage, East Jakarta Mayor: 'Pergub 31 Read First'

The East Jakarta City Government admits that it is ready to face a police report filed by residents of RW 01 Kayu Putih Village for the destruction of the Tanah Mas Green Open Space (RTH) fence allegedly carried out by elements of the Kayu Putih Village ASN.

"I think it's okay, citizens' rights, please report anywhere. Go ahead. We are according to the rules, right," said East Jakarta Mayor, M. Anwar to reporters, Wednesday, November 29.

Anwar said that his party still refers to Pergub 31 regarding the use of green open space for health centers.

"That's why the Governor's Regulation 31 read first. There is a zoning section, just read it first. Then we can talk about it. I have said that green open space is not impossible to build, but it depends on the needs," he said.

Previously, it was reported that residents of Tanah Mas housing, RW 01, Kayu Putih Village, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta, reported the damage to the park fence or Green Open Space (RTH) carried out by unscrupulous officials of Kayu Putih Village to Polda Metro Jaya.

Residents of RW 01 feel aggrieved by the destruction of the fence that has been built independently by residents of RW 01. The reason is, the fence was built to prevent disturbances to security and social order.

However, the sub-district personnel actually carried out damage by breaking into the residential fence as access to the entrance illegally to the Tanah Mas Green Open Space (RTH) area.

"We have reported the police, we report the alleged officer in the kelurahan. We have reported it to the Polda Metro Jaya regarding the alleged article 170 (regarding) damage together," said representatives of RW 01 residents of Kayu Putih Village, Barus to reporters, Friday, November 24.

Barus emphasized that his party held a number of evidences in the form of CCTV footage and videos from residents when the fence vandalism occurred.

"There is (evidence of footage) CCTV, videos from the public and the public who saw it firsthand at the time of the incident. We are still guessing, this was done by the person we reported (Kelurahan Kayu Putih)," he said.